Title/theme/speakers |
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Attachments |
Launching the Clean Energy Transformation in Marrakech COP 22 is the COP of Action, and a global clean energy transformation is underway. Hear directly from clean energy executives on how this transformation can be accelerated through the Paris Agreement and nationally-determined contributions (NDCs).
Speakers: Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE), Global Wind Energy Council, Solar Energy Industries Association, Demand Response & Smart Grid Coalition, International Council for Sustainable Energy.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Advancing (I)NDC implementation and ambition: bridging research and practice This event brings together experts and practitioners to discuss (I)NDC implementation and ambition in light of wider development benefits and costs. Brief presentations on countries’ progress & ratcheting-up possibilities using the latest climate policy analyses are discussed with practitioners.
Speakers: Niklas Höhne (NewClimate Institute), Michel den Elzen (PBL), Nathan Hultman (University of Maryland), in-country practitioners (tbd)
Niklas Höhne
Climatepolicy.net e.V.
+49 173 7152279
Michel den Elzen
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
+31 6 50213337
University of Maryland (UMCP)
+1 301 4053032
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Expectations for COP 22 The side-event will feature speakers from developing countries who will lay out their expectations for COP 22.
Speakers: speakers from developing countries
Yvonne Miller Berlie
Third World Network (TWN)
+41 78 8929203
Mariama Williams
South Centre
+41 22 7918050
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Urgencies in Fundamental Climate Research following the Paris Agreement Where will the carbon go, how will weather change, and how will climate impact the habitability of our planet? The Paris Agreement challenges us to identify and answer the most-urgent questions for future research. How can and should the climate research community move forward on these issues?
Speakers: V.Masson-Delmotte IPCC WG I
D.Carlson WCRP
J.Marotzke Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
I.Schloss Instituto Antártico Argentino
A.Sanchez-Azofeifa University of Alberta
F.Driouech National Climate Centre
W.Moufouma-Okia IPCC WGI TSU
M.Uhle NSF
E.Key Belmont Forum
Nora Papp
International Science Council (ISC)
+33 1 45255321
Jenny Baeseman
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
+44 1 7834269998
Ione Anderson
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
+59 8 26060126
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Improving MRV for agricultural emission reductions in the livestock sector To accelerate global emission reductions, improved measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) is needed for mitigation in livestock production systems. We’ll share country experiences and practical innovations, to support collection and coordination of activity data and improved emission factors.
Speakers: Alexandre Berndt (EMBRAPA), Zewdu Eshetu (Climate Science Center, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.), Agripina Jenkins (Costa Rica), Walter Oyhantacabal (Uruguay), Bess Tiesnamurti (Indonesian Center for Animal Husbandry Research and Development), Representative from Morocco (TBD)
Vanessa Meadu
University of Copenhagen
+44 777 2195317
Polly Ericksen
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
+254 700 120155
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
PERSPECTIVES AND OPTIONS: What would an inclusive framework to address L&D look like? The issue of loss and damage has gained enormous traction in international climate policy. However there is a lack promising options for moving forward. This session involving aims to provide some clarification and debate of the challenges to inform and support policy options
Speakers: Colin McQuistan Practical Action
Reinhard Mechler and Thomas Schinko IIASA
Rachel James Oxford University
Swenja Surminski London School of Economics
Colin mcquistan
Practical Action
+44 7523 355435
Emily Boyd
Lund University (LU)
+46 46 2220369
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement - the role of Article 6 To achieve the Paris ambition upscaled carbon markets are essential. Article 6 of the Agreement provides the framework for such instruments: we will discuss Tunisia’s and other countries’ vision of these instruments and hear from a pilot project for sectoral crediting in Tunisia's cement sector.
Speakers: Government representatives from Tunisia and other countries intending to participate in carbon markets, researchers and carbon market experts.
Cathrin Arenz
+49 761 59033823
Björn Dransfeld
+49 176 72856437
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Demystifying Private Adaptation Finance & Action - breaking it down to planning and decision-making Climate change will have considerable physical impact on both economies and infrastructure. This event explore how public policy, climate information and finance can work together to facilitate private investments in adaptation, providing sound policy environments and reliable climate information.
Speakers: Professor Dr. Ulf Moslener (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Ms. Laura Druce (Frankfurt School)
Mr. Remco Fischer (UNEP FI)
Mr. Karsten Loeffler (Allianz Climate Solutions)
Mr. Peter Storey (CTI PFAN)
Louis Perroy (Climatekos)
Pascal Mignery (Addactis)
Robert Tippmann (BVEK)
Malin Emmerich
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH
+49 69 154008381
Robert Tippmann
German Emissions Trading Association (BVEK)
+49 30 78951956
George Scott
UNEP - Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
+41 22 9178955
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Combating climate change in Mediterranean and African countries and in the Middle East Experts will discuss how this region envisages the future of their energy and conservation systems, in the Paris Agreement context. Lessons from modeling exercises will illustrate the debate about climate policies, regional integration, energy resources, and the valuation of the ecosystemic services
Speakers: Nadia Maïzi (MINES ParisTech), Jean-Charles Hourcade (CIRED), El Hadi Benyoussef (Algérie, Ecole Polytechnique / Skype), Youba Sokona (AREI), Samir Amous (Tunisie, APEX conseil), Ahmed Baroudi (Maroc, SIE)
Nadia Maizi
ParisTech (ParisTech)
+33 0 674539235
Jui Wen CHEN
Association of Sustainable Ecological Engineering Development (ASEED)
+886 2 26884738
Christophe Cassen
Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement (CIRED)
+33 6 86539152
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Scaling up best practices; creating a conducive policy environment for resilient communities The session will feature good practices from around the world that are strengthening livelihoods of those most vulnerable to climate change and increasing community and agro-ecological resiliency. We will share lessons learned from participatory approaches, highlighting the need for policy change.
Speakers: Representatives from World Vision International ;Cornell University; Watershed Organisation Trust; Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Center; World Food Programme; Food and Agriculture Organisation; Climate Caretakers; UNDP; CIRAD;Adelphi Research (Moderator)
Manyara Angeline Munzara
World Vision International (WVI)
+27 11 724448657
Dennis Taenzler
Adelphi Research (AR)
+49 30 890006820
Allison Chatrchyan
Cornell University
+1 845 2354765
Crispino Lobo
Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)
+91 20 24226211
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Understanding the NAP-NDC linkages: Experiences from the Philippines The Philippines has initiated its NDC Roadmap Formulation in parallel with the ratification of the Paris Agreement. Likewise, it is spearheading efforts to start its NAP Process to update the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP). This event will share country experiences to contribute to und
Speakers: Representatives from the Climate Change Commission, National Economic and Development Authority, Civil Society Organization / Academe
Josine Alexandra Gamboa
+63 917 3045875
Margarita Alexandra Reyes
Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU)
+63 917 8334315
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Mobilizing Climate Finance for Implementing NDCs and Low-Carbon Technology Innovation Implementing the Paris Agreement means to fulfill announced contributions offering a unique opportunity to developing countries for climate-resilient economic development. We will discuss opportunities and challenges Viet Nam identified as well as research on international collaboration pathways.
Speakers: Viet Nam: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE); Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI); Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).
- Perspectives
- FU Berlin
Moderation: NN (Perspectives)
Minh Nguyen Van
Viet Nam
+8 24 38562391
Mareike Well
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB)
+49 761 59033823
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Refinement of 2006 IPCC Guidelines IPCC embarks on refinement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines to provide an updated and sound scientific basis for international climate actions, particularly the transparency of mitigation efforts achieved under the Paris Agreement. The outline of new report(s) to be published in 2019 will be introduced.
Speakers: TFB and TFI TSU members, Representative of UNFCCC Secretariat
Carlos Martin-Novella
WMO/UNEP Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
+41 0 797088699
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Improving education and awareness of the impacts of climate change: a free online course This mini side-event will launch an online course on the Impacts of Climate Change in Latin America. The MOOC was designed to raise awareness, empower resource managers, decision makers, stakeholders, scientists to cope with climate and global changes, while promoting SDG #4 #13 #17 www.cclatam.org
Speakers: Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Bioenergy with Soil Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation This MSE presents the current state of the development of bioenergy with soil carbon sequestration using biochar and compares it with other land-based sequestration approaches based on photosynthesis carbon capture. The sustainable technical potential of this approach lies in the Gt range per year.
Speakers: Cornell University
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
CDM EB side event: Maximizing the value of the CDM pre-2020 With almost 8.000 CDM projects and close to 300 PoAs, CDM represents a unique ready-to-go mitigation opportunity. This side event explores ideas for ensuring that CDM projects and PoAs can continue to deliver real on-the-ground mitigation, and help increasing ambition under the Paris Agreement
Niclas Svenningsen
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 172 2606463
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Cornell Climate-adaptive Design Studio "This program links an academic design studio with New York State waterfront communities to explore alternatives for more resilient and connected waterfront areas.
Speakers: Cornell University
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Faith Communities for Climate change Peace, Conscience, Education, Awareness raising, Energy and Habitat
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Mon, 07 Nov 2016 |
Carbon markets in the Paris Agreement: Civil Society Priorities for the future At COP22 Parties are negotiating the rules, modalities and procedures for the future carbon market regime. In this event, experts will discuss key elements that need to be addressed in the elaboration of the new mechanisms and reflect on latest developments as well as crucial lessons to be learned.
Speakers: Civil society representatives, policy makers
Juliane Voigt
Carbon Market Watch (CMW)
+32 2 3353663
Marijana Todorovic
German NGO Forum on Environment and Development
+49 30 6781775907
Randall Spalding-Fecher
Groupe d'études et de recherches sur les énergies renouvelables et l'environnement (GERERE)
+1 413 3209810
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Insurance in the context of Adaptation: What next after the Paris Agreement? As outlined in the Paris Agreement, insurance solutions should be a part of implementing the mandate of the PA to build climate resilient development pathways. Experts will elaborate on the role of insurance and comprehensive climate risk management in the context of NAPs, NDCs and Loss & Damage
Speakers: MCII, Munich Re (tbc), Allianz Climate Solutions (tbc), RESULTS UK (tbc), BMZ (tbc), GIZ (tbc)
Michael Zissener
Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)
+49 228 8150249
Christian Barthelt
Munich Re Foundation (MRF)
+49 89 38914229
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Access to means of implementation a key concern for Africa Post-Paris The side event co-organized by the AfDB and partners will focus on identifying the Africa-specific challenges, options & needs for the successful implementation of Paris Agreement such as: finance, institutional and human capacity development, policy reforms & technology development and transfer.
Speakers: - The President of the AfDB
- Director -Quality Assurance and Results
Balgis Osman Elasha
African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
+216 7110 1494
Cécilia Rinaudo
Association La Voûte Nubienne (AVN)
+0 33 686417181
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Policy and political challenges facing the implementation of the NDCs in Latin America The event will present and analyze the preliminary findings of a comparative research developed by the Latin American Platform on Climate Change on the policy and political challenges facing the implementation of the NDCs in the agricultural and forestry sector in ten countries of Latin America
Speakers: Isabel Calle (SPDA), Laura Marrero (CEUTA), Yan Speranza (Moises Bertoni), Enrique Maurtua (FARN), Daniel Ryan (ITBA-FARN), Marianela Curi (FFLA) other speakers TBC
Enrique Maurtua Konstantinidis
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN)
+54 9221 6137505
Gerardo Honty
Centro de Estudios Uruguayos de Tecnología Apropiada (CEUTA)
+598 2 26966300
Patricia Velasco
Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA)
+593 99 6148053
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Opportunities for Africa in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) CCS is a demonstrated technology to achieve deep GHG reductions. We report on progress towards CCS deployment in Africa and global CCS developments relevant for Africa, onshore and offshore. Steps for CCS pilot project development and new opportunities for technology transfer will be outlined.
Speakers: Tony Surridge, South Africa; Joseph Essandoh-Yeddu, Ghana; Felicia Mogo, Nigeria; Tim Dixon, IEAGHG; Michael Monea, CCS Knowledge Centre; Katherine Romanak, The University of Texas at Austin, Ton Wildenborg, CO2GeoNet
Katherine Romanak
University of Texas at Austin
+1 512 5653762
Ton Wildenborg
CO2GeoNet - The European Network of Excellence on Geological Storage of CO2 (CO2GeoNet)
+31 0 622518935
Judith Shapiro
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
+44 20 30318750
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Equity, Differentiation and Ambition in the Post-Paris Regime Despite some assertions to the contrary, equity continues to be centrally important in the post-Paris world, lest ambition ratcheting remain out of reach. In this event, academics and civil-society experts will outline the discursive space for equity post Paris and point to practical ways forward.
Speakers: Anju Sharma (Oxford Climate Policy), Sivan Kartha (Stockholm Environment Institute), Lidy Nacpil (Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development), Christian Holz (Climate Equity Reference Project), Timmons Roberts (Brown University), Moderator: Alison Doig(Christian Aid)
Christian Holz
Climate Action Network Canada (CAN-Rac)
+1 613 6184601
Dale Marshall
Environmental Defence Canada Inc.
+1 416 3239521
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
NDC Perú and Indigenous Alternatives about Megadrivers, Redd+, MRV, Zero Net deforestation Indigenous Redd in Two Million Has, Indigenous-MRV with "eco-drones" and Holistic Management in Indigenous Territories in Perú, and challenges NDC Peru
Speakers: Indigenous leaders and delegates from donor countries, amazonian governments and environmental organizations
Roberto Espinoza
Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP)
+51 1 954115888
Marco Lescano
Federación Regional Indígena Shawi de San Martín (FERISHAM)
+51 1 995122142
Natividad Quillahuamán
Federación Nativa del Río Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD)
+51 0 950360469
Marco Lescano
Federación de Pueblos Indígenas Kechwas de la Región de San Martín (FEPIKRESAM)
+51 1 995122142
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Accessing funds from the GCF: challenges and prospects for indigenous peoples Panel discussion on challenges and prospects for indigenous peoples on how they can access funds from the Green Climate Fund to support climate resilience. It will also look into proposals for a dedicated fund for indigenous peoples, as well as the existing modalities of access.
Speakers: Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples; Kimaren Ole Riamit, ILEPA, Kenya; Tarcila Rivera Zea, CHIRAPAQ, Peru; Grace Balawag, Tebtebba; member of the GCF Board
Raymond de Chavez
Tebtebba Foundation
+63 74 9175072789
Tarcila Rivera Zea
CHIRAPAQ - Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú (CHIRAPAQ)
+51 1 4232757
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Implementing Nationally Determined Contributions: Importance of Technology and Capacity Building NDC implementation is key to operationalizing the Paris Agreement. Strong partnerships around technology, finance & capacity building are needed. This event discusses capacity development and technology support to countries in implementing NDC targets, focusing on opportunities and challenges ahead
Speakers: Makoto Kato, OECC, Japan; John Christensen, UNEP DTU; Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina, Swaziland Meteorological Service; Jukka Uosukainen, CTCN; Marilia Telma Antonio Manjate, MITADER, Mozambique; Lia Nicholson, Dep. of Environment, Antigua and Barbuda; Remco Fisher, UNEP FI; Sara Traerup, UNEP DTU
Sara Traerup
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
+45 93 511617
Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina
+268 7605 76052524
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Green Economic Transition, Planning and Actions in Ukraine The event will present the policy and measures approaches to develop and implement Low Emission Development Strategy in Ukraine. Inter-ministerial coordination of low emission measures implementation, including climate policy, RE and EE national policies and finacial mechanisms of implementation PPP
Speakers: Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine
Svitlana Grynchuk
+38 50 7806493
Jan-Willem van de Ven
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
+44 77 25789126
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Enhancing Ambition and Promoting the Implementation of Paris Agreement: Role of non state actors Non-state actors view on their role in implemeting PA + closing ambition gap to 1.5°C. Showcase climate commitments fm non-state actors + discuss how coordinated actions, collaborative partnerships help increase ambition in line w/ PA’s long-term goals, strengthening global stocktake process + GCAA
Speakers: Speakers to be confirmed but will include high level participants from business, cities, indigenous peoples, investors and other non-state actors.
Mandy Woods
+49 1511 8854162
Paula Ellinger da Fonseca
Fundación Avina (AVINA)
+54 911 40606934
Gillian Nelson
Climate Action Network International (CAN International)
+33 6 699438344
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
SDG9: Sustainable industrialization and International transport The first part of this side event will focus on innovative technological solutions that will help developing pathways for a sustainable industrialization. The second part will provide information on progress made to address CO2 emissions from international transport (marine and air) and adaptation.
Lorenzo Gavilli
United Nations
+151 954 82196017
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
The ambition backbone of the Paris Agreement:Designing an effective Transparency, Global Stocktake The event explores how the Transparency Framework, the Global Stocktake and the Facilitation and Compliance Mechanism can be developed to form a coherent regime and effectively ensure that individual and collective efforts of Parties reflect their highest ambition and progress over time.
Speakers: Dalhousie University - Marine and Environmental Law Institute
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Vertical integration in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes: Launch of a new NAP Global Network guidance note
Speakers: International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), United States and Germany
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
DECARBONIZATION4DEFYING DISASTERS: A Tri-Continental South-South Dialog for Climate Change Solutions An intercultural, interfaith forum for south-south collaboration of the climate-affected in Asia/Arab-Africa/S.America & Caribbean to facilitate broad integrated mitigation/adaptation practice, technology and innovation towards resilience and sustainable development
Speakers: Experts' Forum: Earth Savers Movement "Defying Disasters" (3); Climate Institute “Sustainable Solutions through Technology & Innovation in the Developing Countries” (2); Tzu Chi Foundation “South-South Cooperation: The Urgent Need for Action” (2). Remarks: UNESCO, UNEP, UNISDR, Chair, Moderator
Resurreccion Marinas
Earth Savers Movement (ESM)
+63 2 9189302066
Jimmy Yang
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
+1 626 5860522
Nasir Khattak
Climate Institute (CI)
+1 703 5896072
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Eco Village Development as a Low-Carbon Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for Development in S Asia Practitioners from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India will make a brief presentation on the Eco Village Development model that has been implemented in 21 villages in South Asia for building climate resilience amongst grassroots populations.
Speakers: Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association (INSEDA), International Network For Sustainable Energy (INFORSE).
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Towards building Community Resilience for the marginalised across vulnerable ecosystems in S. Asia The side event will present insights and learning from resilience building initiatives undertaken at the community level across the three key ecosystems in S. Asia. It will specifically present challenges in implementation, role of women, the value of Climate Education and propose policy directions.
Speakers: Civil society reps, climate specialists and Climate policy watchers from South Asian countries
Nafisa DSouza
+91 891 6539729
Sheila Benjamin
South Central India Network for Development Alternatives (SCINDeA)
+91 4171 245339
Sreedhar Ramamurthi
Academy for Mountain Environics (AME)
+91 98107 6244
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Zambia & Renewable Energy: Rural Electrification Technology Transfer & Hydropower Vulnerability Zambia’s NDC goals in off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification include innovative technology partnerships with China, Denmark & UNDP. At the same time, responding to climate impacts on hydropower in Zambia requires integrated planning, adaptive design & strong cross-sectoral institutions
Speakers: Zambia Govt representative,
Zambia UNDP representative,
Chinese Govt representative,
Randall Spalding-Fecher, University of Cape Town/Carbon Limits/GERERE
Francis Yamba, CEEEZ
Marcus Wishart or Ijeoma Emenanjo, World Bank
Llyod Ngo
+260 211 873923
Randall Spalding-Fecher
University of Cape Town (UCT)
+1 413 3209810
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Traditional indigenous peoples knowledge as a viable way for climate change adaptation. The event promotes solutions to maximize adaptation efforts and interventions through integration of IP knowledge based on their ownership and management of natural resources and in the spirit of sustainable development with point of departure in the preamble and article 2 of the Paris Agreement.
Speakers: Ms Kamira Nait Sid (Congrès Mondial Amazigh), Mr. Tunga Bhadra Rai (NEFIN); Mr Kittisak Rattanakrajangsri (AIPP), Mr. Edward Porokwa (PINGOs Forum) Mr. Joseph Ole Simel (MPIDO)
Kathrin Wessendorf
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
+45 53 732835
Tunga Bhadra Rai
Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN)
+977 1 1985106971
Lakpa Nuri Sherpa
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact Foundation (AIPP)
+66 82 3852369
Belkacem Lounes
Congrès Mondial Amazigh (CMA)
+33 33 616841043
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Genre et justice climatique : Les bonnes pratiques pour faire face aux défis climatiques aujourd’hui, Femmes d’ici et d’ailleurs sont déjà à l'œuvre pour faire face à ces changements, notre conception est de présenter et de valoriser les bonnes pratiques entreprises par les femmes comme initiatives pilotes à développer d’une part et d’autre part à partager et à dupliquer,
Speakers: Les intervenantes seront des Femmes du Maroc,de la méditerrané ,de l’Afrique, d'Europe, D'Asie et d’Amérique … leaders dans les initiatives de lutte contre le changement climatique
Jamila Garmouma
Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes (FLDF)
+212 6 66953037
Vinitaa Apte
Technology Education Research and Rehabilitation for Environment Policy Centre (TERRE Policy Centre)
+91 0 9822091537
Alexandre Minet
Fondation Jean-Jaurès (FJJ)
+33 1 40232421
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
JISC side event: Lessons learned from JI towards Article 6 Article 6 in the Paris Agreement establishes a new sustainable development and mitigation mechanism. This side event aims at exploring lessons learned from JI so as to inspire the elaboration of modalities and procedures for the new Article 6 mechanism
Niclas Svenningsen
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 172 2606463
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation The event will discuss experiences and progress made by the least developed countries (LDCs) in addressing adaptation, and the support provided to them. It will focus on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) and on the national adaptation programmes of action(NAPAs)
Motsomi Maletjane
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Launch: Adaptation Good Practice Checklist How can we ensure that adaptation under the Paris Agreement results in climate resilience for vulnerable communities? This product presents nine practices to support quality and effectiveness in the implementation of NDCs and NAPs.
Speakers: The Adaptation Learning Programme of CARE International (Emma Bowa and Fiona Percy)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
Presentation: Topic: "Effect of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on tree's water use efficiency and wood economical
properties: case study from White Oak in Eastern USA."
Speakers: Cornell University
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Tue, 08 Nov 2016 |
The role of farmers in implementing the Paris Agreement Discussion about farming’s role in meeting the world’s food security and nutritional needs whilst contributing to the delivery of the COP21 Agreement. Opportunities to improve productivity and enhance sequestration, alongside building resilience and maintaining production will be identified.
Speakers: Evelyn Nguleka (WFO), CCAFS, IFA Representative and representatives from international organisations on animal health and trade.
Giacomo Udugbor
World Farmers' Organisation (WFO)
+39 6 42741158
Yvonne Harz-Pitre
International Fertilizer Association (IFA)
+33 7 76829036
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Paris Agreement & country readiness – new research on ways forward This event will showcase the most recent research supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
Speakers: Representatives of the Estonian Ministry of Environment, researchers
Annela Anger-Kraavi
+44 78 25338465
Alexandra Carr
Climate Strategies
+44 20 3196659
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
The 1.5°C challenge: Promises and Pitfalls of Technofix Climate Politics Many scenarios regarding the 1.5°C target rely on unproven and risky geoengineering technologies. Truly transformative and safe alternatives are not considered in the mainstream debate. We will discuss technofixes, dismantle the narrative behind them and highlight real solutions for climate justice.
Speakers: Dr. Shifearw Menbacho, Chair of Climate Vulnerable Forum (tbc)
Janos Pasztor, Senior Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Change
Kathrin Schroeder, Misereor
Teresa Anderson, ActionAid International
Lili Fuhr, Heinrich Böll Foundation
Björn Ecklundt
Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF)
+49 30 28534315
Teresa Anderson
ActionAid International Foundation
+44 7984 932655
Kathrin Schroeder
MISEREOR, German Catholic Bishops' Organisation for Development Cooperation (MISEREOR)
+49 241 442577
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Technology and Finance Pathways for Implementing the Paris Agreement and Promoting a Green Economy This multidisciplinary panel highlights opportunities, challenges, best practices and governance models to mobilize and facilitate climate investment and support responsible technological innovation and diffusion at national, regional and international levels
Speakers: O. Fitzgerald, A.T. Sheikh, R. Garg, J. Pasztor, N. Craik, C. Bak and J. Haider
Oonagh Fitzgerald
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
+1 519 8852444
Umama Binte Azhar
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD Pakistan)
+92 15 2651511
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Paris Implementation: Sustained peer learning, coordination and support in the NAP Global Network The NAP Global Network supports Paris Agreement implementation by enhancing national adaptation planning and action in developing countries. This event will show how we contribute to effective NAP processes via sustained peer learning, coordinated bilateral support and targeted technical assistance.
Speakers: Anne Hammill (IISD, NAP Global Network), John Furlow (USAID) (tbc), Martina Duncan (Grenada), Laureta Dibra (Albania), other countries tbc
Hayley Price-Kelly
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
+1 613 6132382296
Martina Duncan
+473 406 1073
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Addressing Climate Change through Land Use: Supporting Corporations or Communities? Time to choose Is it possible to respect the rights and role of Indigenous Peoples, local communities and women in sustainable, climate friendly and resilient land use if climate finance is dominated by corporations? The event will address the impact of loans, PPPs like CSA and offset proposals like ICAO-REDD+.
Speakers: Salome Kisinge, Envirocare, Tanzania, Cynthia Wechabe, Indigenous Information Network, Kenya, Coraina de la Plaza, GFC, others tbc
Simone Lovera
Global Forest Coalition (GFC)
+595 981 407375
Andrey Laletin
Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Ecological Movement "Friends of the Siberian Forests" (FSF)
+7 950 4351945
Rachel Burrows
Movement Strategy Center (MSC)
+1 510 4440640
Lyda Forero
Transnational Institute (TNI)
+31 20 6626608
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Supporting the implementation of Technology Action Plans This side event will highlight success stories with the
implementation of Technology Actions Plans prepared by developing countries as part of their Technology Needs Assessments of relevance to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
Vladimir Hecl
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151134
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
On-farm renewables and sustainable intensification to address climate change and food security Opportunities to enhance food security through sustainable intensification and transforming the world’s energy systems through renewable energy, co-benefits and trade-offs around land use and deforestation concerns, and exploration of funding options, with real-life experiences of farmers.
Speakers: Don McCabe (CFA) and farmers from developing and other developed countries, speakers from IRENA, Imperial College and international funding organisations
Drew Black
Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA)
+1 613 2363633
Kirit Shelat
National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership (NCCSD)
+91 990 4404393
David Burns
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
+1 202 7976612
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Economic advantage of agriculture in NDCs This side event will present new financial evidence and analysis including likely returns on investment to women and men smallholder farmers. Panelists from Africa and Asia will provide numbers and insights from current country-level investments in adaptation and mitigation in agricultu
Speakers: Laurie Goering (Moderator, Thomson-Reuters Foundation); Sonja Vermeulen, (CCAFS/UCPH); Bertrand Reysset (IFAD); Peter Läderach (CIAT); Chebet Maikut (Uganda); Imelda Bacudo (ASEAN/GIZ)
Carolina Jaramillo
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
+57 2 4450000
Morgane Berenguer
CGIAR System Organization (CGIAR)
+33 4 67047533
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
SDG14: Oceans: Science based solutions for achieving adaptation and mitigation goals This side event will highlight how the UN system assists States in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, considering NDCs and related SDGs by, inter alia, building capacity and opportunities for adaptation, and maximizing the role of oceans and related activities for mitigation.
Lisa Emelia Svensson
United Nations
+254 207 623395
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Adaptation Fund – What next? On past experiences and future prospects for the Adaptation Fund The first part will feature lessons from engaging stakeholders in the project design and implementation phase of AF projects and discuss proactive options for the future of the AF. The second part will showcase experiences from the OSS, particularly on accessing and mobilising finance.
Speakers: Adaptation Fund, Germanwatch, Adaptation Fund NGO Network, New Climate Institute, OSS, Funds ACCF/Africa Development Bank, delegates from Uganda and Tunisia
Lisa Junghans
+49 228 6049244
Sonia Abassi
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS)
+216 71 71205633
Bettina Koelle
Indigo Development and Change
+27 27 2181148
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
How Global and National Data Sets can support National Forest Monitoring Systems for REDD+ National Forest Monitoring Systems are needed to collect information and to report countries’ efforts to REDD+. This side event discusses the pros and cons of using global and national data sets for NFMS in the REDD+ process and advocates for related R&D activities and capacity building.
Speakers: Frank Martin Seifert (ESA),
Tom Harvey (GFOI Office),
Martin Herold (GOFC GOLD),
TBD (national development agency),
one representatives from Cameroon,
one representatives from another African country;
Round Table discussion with donor organizations and national representatives;
Frank Martin Seifert
European Space Agency (ESA)
+390 6 94180560
Martin Herold
Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU Jena)
+49 174 3286479
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Accelerating NDC implementation with Carbon Pricing instruments The MSE will present actions on the ground to support the use of collaborative instruments under article 6 of the Paris Agreement in developing countries. It will share lessons learned from supporting the development of INDCs and a new project to support the adoption of carbon pricing instruments.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Permaculture and Climate Change Adaptation Permaculture and Climate Change Adaptation: Inspiring Ecological, Social, Economic and Cultural Responses for Resilience and Transformation
Speakers: ECOLISE (European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability) and GEN (Global Ecovillage Network)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Reducing Emissions through Consumption-based Accounting and Policies: A post-Paris Roadmap This mini side-event will explore the role of consumption-based accounting against the background of international climate negotiations and examine potential policy instruments to tackle consumption-related emissions in key sectors and discuss ways to overcome implementation barriers.
Speakers: Climate Strategies
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of CC topics in 45-min lessons, packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities.
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Promoting Low Carbon Asia: National and Local Experience on planning and market mechanisms Development of city climate change action plans (CCAPs) for the realization of low-carbon cities are also becoming active as NDCs. Examples including city-to-city collaboration through the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and utilization of the Asia-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) will be introduced.
Speakers: Mr. Yoshihiro Mizutani (MOEJ), Datuk Hj Sahrom Ujang (Kuala Lumpur City Hall), Prof. Ho Chin Siong (UTM), Dr. Pham Van Tan (MONRE, Vietnam), Boyd Joeman (IRDA), Mr. Ranping Song (WRI), Dr. Junichi Fujino (NIES)
Junichi Fujino
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
+81 90 26254682
Loon Wai Chau
University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)
+60 12 2986302
Jiro Ogahara
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)
+81 3 54720144
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
World Heritage & water after Paris: Cultural resources, protected areas & the 1.5C imperative Resilience strategies to preserve cultural heritage & traditional water management systems associated with World Heritage sites. Sustainable water management lessons learned over generations can inform disaster risk reduction & implementation of the Warsaw Mechanism as regional water scarcity grows.
Speakers: Adam Markham, UCS; Mechtild Rössler, UNESCO; Samir Bensaid, Int. Inst. for Water & Sanitation, Morocco; Andrew Potts, US-ICOMOS; Lynn Wilson, SeaTrust Inst.; Abdelati Lahlou & Khalid El Harrouni, Maroc-ICOMOS, Meisha Hunter, Nl-ICOMOS; Karin Lexén, World Water Week; Sandeep Sangupta, IUCN
Adam Markham
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)
+1 203 4348190
Lynn Wilson
SeaTrust Institute
+1 360 9613363
Thaddeus Trzyna
InterEnvironment Institute (IE)
+1 909 6219018
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Sustainable Food Systems and Agro-ecological resilience for biodiversity and health This event will provide a forum to explore best practices for biodiversity conservation for health & nutrition through the promotion of sustainable & healthy food systems. The event will discuss agro-ecological resilience & the adoption of a climate justice approach in the context of the SDGs Agenda
Speakers: André Leu, President, IFOAM - Organics International; Cristina Tirado, University of California/IUNS TF Climate and Nutrition; Delegation of Madagascar; FAO; Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice (TBC); Hilal Elver, UN (TBC)
Gábor Figeczky
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
+49 1575 6925021
Jean Roger Rakotoarijaona
+261 32 782210
Cristina Tirado
University of California
+1 949 5849062
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Climate finance for forests: Lessons from REDD & impact investment for people, biodiversity & policy FFI will present a case study on how sub-national, high conservation value REDD+ piloting in Liberia is driving national REDD+ design and implementation. OroVerde will present case studies of ecological & social impacts and opportunities for private forest restoration investments in Latin America.
Speakers: Saah A. David, Jr. - National REDD+ Project Coordinator, RIU/FDA; Borwen L. Sayon - REDD+ Policy Coordinator, RIU/FDA; Zoe Quiroz-Cullen – Head of Conservation, Finance and Enterprise, FFI; Javier Marquez, Dir. Inst. Dev., Fundacion Defensores de la Naturaleza; Dr. Elke Mannigel, Intern. Project Coo
Elke Mannigel
Oro Verde - Tropical Forest Foundation (OroVerde)
+49 228 2429012
Josh Kempinski
Fauna & Flora International (FFI)
+44 207 2631473
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Beyond Deforestation: Measuring carbon changes from degradation and growth at local to global scales Empowering governments, indigenous organizations, and other stakeholders to monitor annual carbon emissions and associated drivers more effectively and comprehensively. More accurately tracking progress toward nationally determined contributions/REDD+ goals. Public release of new pan-tropical data.
Speakers: Dr. Alessandro Baccini, Woods Hole Research Center/WHRC (USA)
Dr. Landing Mane, OSFAC (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Chris Mayer, Environmental Defense Fund (USA)
Natalia Calderon, Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (Bolivia)
Dr. Glenn Bush, WHRC (USA)
Dr. Wayne Walker, WHRC (USA)
David McGlinchey
Woodwell Climate Research Center
+1 508 5243205
Landing MANE
Democratic Republic of the Congo
+243 99 2783035
Natalia Calderon
Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza (FAN Bolivia)
+591 7 6845978
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
The UNFCCC Technology Mechanism: enhancing climate technology action The two bodies of the UNFCCC's Technology Mechanism, the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, will provide an overview of their performance and activities undertaken in 2016 to enhance climate technology action.
Asher Lessels
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151357
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Highlighting CGE support to MRV and transparency framework and sharing lessons learned. Highlighting CGE support towards the reporting process (NCs and BURs), and discussing needs and lessons learned in establishing institutional arrangements; preparing GHG inventories; linkage with the national development plans, and strategies and policies for mitigation and adaptation actions.
Bhava Dhungana
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Experiences in implementing MRV system The side event will highlight the experienced gained during IAR and ICA processes.
Veronica Colerio
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+0 0 2288151675
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
SDG6: Hydro-Climate Services for All The side event aims to bridge the gap between the producers and users of hydro-climate services, between water and climate communities, science and policy-makers and negotiators. It will demonstrate how water is a connector; central for implementing the Paris Agreement, climate finance, INDCs etc.
Claudio Caponi
United Nations
+41 22 7308407
Wed, 09 Nov 2016 |
Creating Climate Finance Pathways for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Many NDCs conditionally rely on significant inward investment to be fully realized. This event will focus on the available and emerging financial solutions to achieve this, highlighting work by REEEP, PFAN and the GGGI’s Green Investment Services.
Speakers: High level representatives of key organizations and national ministries, including REEEP, PFAN, GGGI, Rwanda, Indonesia, Uganda, and others.
John Tkacik
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)
+43 1 260263674
Akiko Naka
International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT)
+81 59 3293500
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Building Resilience and Adaptations Measures with Co-mitigation Benefits in Red Sea and Arabian Gulf This side event will showcase Arabian Gulf, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden regions efforts in their adaptation actions through ecosystem solutions, addressing water conservation, urban planning, desertification marine conservation, considering blue carbon mitigation co-benefits
Speakers: Will be announced later Saudi Arabia, GCC Countries and PERSGA
Hamoud AlOtaibi
Saudi Arabia
+966 5 3862758
Ahmed Khalil
The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA)
+966 12 42388744
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Financial, Technical and Institutional Support for Scaling Up Youth Climate Action At this side event innovative institution building, resource mobilization & technology facilitation initiatives in support of youth climate action have been presented & discussed, with GloCha #GiveYouthaChance Call for Resources for Youth Climate Action serving as joint flagship initiative.
Speakers: Tim Damon YOUNGO; Adriana Valenzuela Jimenez UNFCCC ACE; Martin Salmon & Margaux Jobin, CliMates, John Crowley, UNESCO MOST; Johanna Bozuwa ECONGO; Miroslav Polzer & Linda Naa Kwaley Quartey, IAAI, Ernest Amoako NYA Ghana, Cunsong Xia Youthink Center, Alexandra Akira LoC, Ari Eisenstat DreamVentures
Miroslav Polzer
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)
+43 664 4203648
Alice Pauthier
+33 6 81994933
Green Cross International (GCI)
+0 4122 7891662
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
The Unfinished Business: How to close the Post-Paris Adaptation and Climate Finance Gap Climate change is a reality confronting millions of the world’s most vulnerable people. Their need for financial support to adapt to and mitigate climate extremes is urgent and rising. International support for adaptation falls well short of what is needed.
Speakers: Civil Society Representatives, Government Representatives, Private sector representatives
Sam Ogallah
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)
+254 20 736842628
Sharad Joshi
Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society (CECOEDECON)
+91 98290 59202
Isabel Kreisler
OXFAM International (OI)
+34 91 5312545
Oluwole Oshota
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations (ISMUN)
+1 404 4521338
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Mise en oeuvre des Contributions Prévues Déterminées au niveau National: Enjeux et opportunités Le CILSS, la CEDEAO et l'OIF profiteront de la COP22 pour partager leurs expériences dans le domaine des Contributions Prévues Déterminées au niveau National : Enjeux et opportunités
Speakers: Dr Maguette kaire,Dr Jean Sibiri Ouedraogo, Dr Issaka Launa, Raoul Kouamé, Dr Ablassé Bilgo, Arona Soumare et Issa Bado
DIEYE Papa Oumar
Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel (CILSS)
+227 227 20315316
Arona Soumare
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF/IFDD)
+1 581 9897000
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
+234 818 136919
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Upholding Human Rights - Bridging the gender environmental divide 9- gender and climate
Speakers: Sabina Voogd
Huub Kistermann
Both ENDS Foundation (BE)
+31 20 5306600
Hindou Ibrahim
Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC)
+2 21 6743260
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
What is essential for transparency under the Paris Agreement? CIFOR and partners explore the role of different actors and rules for transparency and accountability related to forests and land use mitigation and adaptation, including the role of civil society and independent monitoring systems, safeguards and equity, based on comparative case studies.
Speakers: CIFOR scientists and partners will talk about MRV challenges, reference levels, equity, safeguards, FPIC and handling of grievance.
Levania Santoso
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
+62 251 8622622
Veronique De Sy
Stichting Wageningen Research (WR)
+31 317 481915
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Linking (I)NDCs and the Global Climate Action Agenda: realizing synergies This side event examines ambitions and priorities and of (I)NDCs, presenting the NDC Content Explorer. It then discusses how the Global Climate Action Agenda and non-state climate actions address NDC content, and whether this Agenda and NDC processes can be aligned to raise countries’ ambitions.
Speakers: Sander Chan and Pieter Pauw (DIE) and other researchers, negotiators from Germany, Sweden and Kenya (tbc)
Pieter Pauw
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
+49 174 9610295
Idil Boran
York University
+1 416 5229609
Daniel Stenson
Forum for Reforms and Entrepreneurship (FORES)
+46 730 885263
Oscar Widerberg
Free University Amsterdam (VU)
+31 20 5982567
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
How engaging youth actions are integral to implementing the Paris Agreement and climate justice. Stories about tangible solutions for a just and sustainable world showcasing daily action of youth at the local level. Learning together the methodological tools to design and evolve practical actions together. Interactive via story sharing, games, and art.
Speakers: Avenir Climatique, SustainUS, UKYCC, WCPA-IUCN, CYD, speakers from both the Global South and the Global North to share stories about their local projects and struggles.
Jeanne Martin
United Kingdom Youth Climate Coalition Limited (UKYCC)
+44 0 7922914156
Rakotonandrianina Timothée
Avenir Climatique (AC)
+33 6 47499306
Timothy Damon
+1 330 2067553
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Zero carbon transition: shifting investment towards renewable energy & achieving energy for all We will present national and regional evidence for the case for a shift to renewable energy & energy for all in developing countries, to deliver targeted engagement with the drivers of change. We will discuss ways forward to closing the ambition gap, while delivering sustainable energy development
Speakers: Civil society experts’ presentations: on the results of research from LAC; Asia and Africa on identifying spaces/actors the CSOs Equity Review of INDCs & lessons learned, 2. Ways forward to closing the ambition gap; then a panel of Party representatives responds; then questions and comments.
Mohamed Adow
Christian Aid (CA)
+44 20 75232278
Eddy de Neef
Climate Action Network - Europe (CAN - Europe)
+32 0 491074400
Suyana Huamani
Climate Action Network - Latin America (CAN-LA)
+51 1 943189436
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Creating Value from CO2 GCC Countries will share efforts, progress and perspectives on future market potential for CO2 capture, transportation and conversion into feedstock,value adding processes and utilization in industries, including chemicals, cement manufacturing and other specific examples from application industries
Speakers: TBD
Abdulhadi Nasser Almarri
+974 5555 7969
Abdul Kareem Ayed
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
+965 2 4959779
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Joint AC and LEG side event on interim results towards implementation of the Paris Agreement mandate The Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group will share information on progress made in the implementation of their shared mandates from the Paris Agreement (1/CP.21, § 41 and 45). This includes the areas of adaptation efforts of and support for developing country Parties.
Motsomi Maletjane
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Fossil fuel supply and climate policy: Key steps to enhance ambition Achieving the 2°C goal requires keeping significant fossil fuel reserves in the ground. This event brings together experts and policy-makers to discuss ways for climate policy to address fossil fuel supply along with demand, and thus align energy strategies with climate and sustainability goals.
Speakers: To be confirmed, but likely to include Michael Lazarus (SEI), Shelagh Whitley (ODI), an OCI representative, Richard Denniss (The Australia Institute), and government representatives.
Marion Davis
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
+1 781 6545160
Graham Banton
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
+44 207 9220431
Elizabeth Bast
Oil Change International (OCI)
+1 202 6417203
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Intergenerational Inquiry: the highlight of the Young and Future Generations Day 2016 This event will bring together decision-makers and young leaders to discuss the key role that youth, who represent more than half of the world’s population, play in implementing climate action. The Conference of Youth’s results (COY12) and inspiring youth-led initiatives will be presented.
Adriana Valenzuela
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151594
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Culture on the Move: Sea Level Rise, Cultural Heritage and Climate Mobility When communities are displaced by climate change, how can their cultures and historic sites be conserved? The many ways in which cultural heritage intersects with climate mobility will be presented by global experts, cultural leaders and traditional knowledge leaders
Speakers: Victoria Herrmann, Arctic Institute,
Andrew Potts, US ICOMOS,
Oliver Maurice, INTO,
International Polar Foundation,
Mary Robinson Foundation(tbc),
Oliver Maurice
International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)
+33 475 506469
Nighat Johnson-Amin
International Polar Foundation (IPF)
+32 475 782348
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Family and Community Agriculture: Developing & Implementing Sustainable Climate-Resilient Solutions Adaptation Fund presents experiences in executing agricultural adaptation projects in developing countries. Presenters from the AF’s pioneering Direct Access modality, other implementing entities and NGOs will showcase projects featuring the theme of family and community agriculture.
Speakers: Mr. Walter Oyhantcabal (Climate Change Unit, Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, Uruguay), Ms. Marcia Levaggi (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina), Ms. Meryem Andaloussi (ADA, Morocco), Mr. Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, (UNDP), Mr. Emmanuel Seck (ENDA), Mr. Naresh Sharma (AF Board)
Anni Rein
Adaptation Fund Board (AFB)
+1 831 3462953
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of climate change topics in 45m lessons packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
The MRV revolution How civil society is empowering developing countries by making accurate emissions estimates and helping adapt to climate change.
Speakers: Vasudha Foundation
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of climate change topics in 45m lessons packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Cities A series of activities on 'cities', a book launch, a small panel discussion and a small resileince event
Speakers: UN-Habitat
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
How can transformative climate change policies deliver development justice? The recent adoption of the Paris agreement and the Agenda 2030 offers opportunity to address the structural causes of the both intersect crises of climate change and inequality, between countries, between rich and poor, and between women and men.
Speakers: Kate Lappin, APWLD Regional Coordinator,
Grassroots women leaders from Asia-Pacific,
Women and Gender Constituency members,
Ministers and governments leaders
Camille Risler
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
+66 53 284527
Soleil Santoalla
IBON International Foundation Inc. (IBON)
+63 2 9276981
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Making adaptation effective through ecosystem-based approaches While the role of ecosystems as ‘natural’ adaptation infrastructure is increasingly recognized, some questions remain regarding the return on investing in ecosystems. This event will assess the effectiveness of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in enhancing the resilience of communities & ecosystems.
Speakers: Senior representatives, policymakers and practitioners from IUCN State and NGO members and partners, including from the Friends of EbA (FEBA) group.
Sandeep Sengupta
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
+41 22 9990105
Dylan Murray
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
+1 240 6261800
Jose Antonio Galdames Fuentes
+504 2212 99700309
Brennen Drysdale
+1 443 2392098
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Climate Related Displacement and Migrants : Rights and Responsibilities After Paris There will be around 300 millions climate induced migrants whole over the world, alone in Bangladesh it will be around 30 millions. There are discourse on the issue, state led initiative Platform on Disasters Displacement (PDD) has been created. The side event to discuss the issue after Paris.
Speakers: Possible Speakers are Minister/Parliamentarian from Bangladesh,India,German,Switzerland, Philippines,and also from civil society network like JSAPMDD,FOEI,CANSA, APRN,NRC,LDC Watch,Act Alliance, Action Aid,PACJA,PDD/Nansen Initiative Follow up and Green Peace. Officials from UNHCR,OCHA & UNHRC.
M Rezaul Karim Chowdhury
Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust (COAST Trust)
+88 1711 529792
Astrid Tveteraas
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
+47 0 95707055
Sanjay Vashist
Stichting Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA)
+9 1 9910096125
Mary Claire Miranda
Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement, Inc. (APMDD)
+63 917 5115334
Lucy Cadena
Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)
+44 7580 270129
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Technical briefing on NAMAs and support for NAMAs under the NAMA registry This side event will provide Parties an opportunity to exchange views on updated information on NAMAs and support for NAMAs under the registry, including the extent of matching between them.
Gopal Joshi
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151475
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Sustainable Hammams in Morocco : tackling climate change together through innovation and tradition Moroccan hammams are major consumers of wood and water. In a context of scarcity of resources in Morocco and increase of their prices, energy modernization of hammams is an environmental and economic necessity, which depends on their sustainability.
Speakers: Group for the Environment, Renewable Energies and Solidarity, EnSEn association : Energy Solidarity Environment, FFEM : The French Facility for Global Environment
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
SDG10: Human mobility and climate change COP21 mandated the establishment of a Task Force on Climate Displacement to develop recommendations “to avert, minimize and address climate displacement”. This side event intends to take stock of the progress in relation to human mobility under the UNFCCC and discuss concrete ways forwards.
Speakers: IOM, UNHCR, UNU, UN Women
Marine Franck
United Nations
+41 227 398643
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 |
Building Resilience for Climate Change Adaptation in Archipelagic and Small Island Developing States This event will be a forum to share knowledge, experiences and lessons learned from policy makers and practitioners on how to build and strengthen resilient capacity for archipelagic and small island developing States in the face of climate change, particularly for marine and fisheries sectors.
Speakers: H.E. Susi Pudjiastuti (Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia), Dr. Biliana Cicin-Sain (Global Ocean Forum), H.E. Mr Ronald Jumeau, (Seychelles), H.E. Abdullahi Majeed (Maldives), Emily Pidgeon (CI), Gerald Miles (RARE), Mr. Manuel Cira (WON), Mehdi Alaloui Mdaghri
Achmad Poernomo
+62 21 3522516
Miriam Balgos
International Coastal and Ocean Organization (ICO)
+1 302 7539800
Manuel CIRA
World Ocean Network (WON)
+33 0 321309993
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Why Ethics and Justice Require a 5 Step Process for Setting a National GHG target after Paris This event will describe a 5 step process for setting a national GHG reduction target to limit warming to as close as possible to 1.5 C while basing the commitment on "equity" and "fairness" and the information on this that should be submitted with an NDC to make the Paris Agreement work.
Speakers: Donald Brown, Prue Taylor. Brendan Mackey, John Dernbach
Donald Brown
Pennsylvania Environmental Resource Consortium (PERC)
+1 717 8021009
John Dernbach
Widener University
+1 717 5411933
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Teaming up local and national climate action in a governance perspective This event explores examples of joined up local and national climate action. What are the lessons learnt from these examples, inc. the Fossil-free Sweden initiative? Can European good governance practices be of guidance to other parts of the world and vice versa? How to involve cities in the NDCs?
Speakers: Representatives from local, regional and national governments; European Union; Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA); Isabella Lövin, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate, Sweden; Svante Axelsson, national coordinator of the Fossil-free Sweden initiative.
Pirita Lindholm
Climate Alliance (Klima-Bündnis)
+32 2 4001061
Anders Turesson
+46 8 4051000
Markus HafnerAuinger
Climate Alliance Austria (CAA)
+43 699 18764612
Karl-ludwig Schibel
Climate Alliance Italy
+39 347 3487805
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
“No Jobs on a Dead Planet" – What does Just Transition mean Post-Paris? The Paris Agreement has emphasized the necessity of a zero carbon, zero poverty pathway, in which the transformation of our energy systems is key. Just Transition strategies need to be in place to protect and empower workers and communities to avoid unemployment and economic downturn.
Speakers: Sharan Burrow – General Secretary ITUC, Brian Kohler – IndustriALL, Civil Society Representative, Trade Union Representative, Manuela Matthess - FES
Anabella Rosemberg
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
+33 1 55373737
Manuela Matthess
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. (FES)
+49 30 269357408
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Beyond Paris: Investor actions to manage climate risk and seize low-carbon opportunities This event spotlights investor actions undertaken since Paris to align private sector finance with international climate change commitments. There are two themes: managing climate risk/carbon asset risk and scaling up investment in low-carbon opportunities including in emerging/developing countries.
Speakers: Rachel Kyte, SEforALL; Gerald Cartigny, MN; James Close, World Bank; Erick Decker, AXA Group; Michael Eckhart, Citigroup; Pete Grannis, NY State Comptroller’s Office; Anthony Hobley, CTI; Sue Reid, Ceres; Stephanie Pfeifer, IIGCC; Michael Lewis, DB AM; Fiona Reynolds, UN PRI; Steve Waygood, Aviva
Marina Pauliukova
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change Ltd. (IIGCC)
+44 207 9602974
Margherita Gagliardi
Carbon Tracker Initiative Limited
+44 20 37139610
Christopher Fox
Ceres, Inc.
+1 617 3124774
Paul Chandler
PRI Association (PRI)
+44 20 37143180
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Climate Resilient Indigenous Economies: Pathways to Low-Emission Landscapes for Latin America Leading indigenous federations, governments, companies and NGOs in Latin America will demonstrate models to reconcile economic growth and diversified markets in forest landscapes that respect Indigenous Peoples’ rights and values while being aligned with objectives of INDCs, REDD+, and NAPs.
Speakers: Leading representatives of indigenous federations from the Amazon and Meso-America, subnational and national government agencies, and corporations/impact investors active in Central and South America, together with Rainforest Alliance and NGO partners.
Jeffrey Hayward
Rainforest Alliance (RA)
+1 202 2947008
Edwin Vasquez
Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)
+593 9 81510953
Fernanda Bortolotto
Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
+55 61 996811664
Amanda Jorgenson
Forest Trends Association
+1 571 4213884
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
New energy realities: Building a resilient and low-carbon future Leading experts share their views on how innovative business models and new energy solutions are shaping the energy revolution. The panel will also discuss challenges and solutions to institutional and financial barriers to scaling up technologies for a climate resilient, low carbon energy system.
Speakers: Companies (focus on energy and finance sector), Governments, Development Finance Institution, Think tank
Andrea Bacher
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
+33 1 49532848
Florence Mazzone
World Energy Council (WEC)
+44 7800 976087
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Business Plans, NDCs and Transforming the Power Paradigm Business & policy leaders discuss how to transform NDCs into clean energy action plans. With common goals of increased energy productivity, climate resilience, low-carbon electricity, smart design of buildings & electric grid in our cities, cooperation can create low-carbon development pathways.
Speakers: Clean energy executives from Ingersoll Rand, Johnson Controls, Philips Lighting, Qualcomm, US Green Building Council, World Resources Institute, Global Alliance for Energy Productivity and developing country/local policymakers to be invited.
Laura Tierney
Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE)
+1 202 7850507
Eric Holdsworth
Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
+1 202 5085103
Elizabeth Beardsley
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
+1 571 9707916
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
The GCF Update — 2016 Progress in Supporting Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Development Pathways The GCF will present its current state of development towards supporting developing countries in financing of projects/programs. It will also brief on measures taken to strengthen the Fund's approach to programming, and initiatives to build on complementarity and coherence with other Funds.
Speakers: TBD
Rouna A
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
+82 32 4586043
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Progress in Indigenous REDD+ Alternative in Amarakaire People (Perú) y other countries Progress and challenges of the strategy of Indigenous Amazon Redd+ in Amarakaire in the climate national policy in Perú and the territorial experiencies in other countries as a efficient and sustainable implementation of the search "Benefits Redd+ beyond carbon and financing beyond the market
Speakers: Indigenous leaders and delegates from donor countries, amazonian governments and environmental organizations
Juan Pablo Alva
Ejecutor de Contrato de Administración de la Reserva Comunal Amarakaeri (ECA - RCA)
+51 0 994911434
Roberto Espinoza
Regional Association of Indigenous Peoples of the Central Jungle
+51 1 954115888
Marco Lescano
Coordinadora de Desarrollo y Defensa de los Pueblos Indígenas de la Región San Martín (CODEPISAM)
+51 1 995122142
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Mapping and understanding mountains to achieve the 2030 Agenda This event will assess the wellbeing of mountain communities and ecosystems globally. Because mountains are mentioned in three SDG targets, the discussion will also focus on ways to measure progress such as satellite data collection and household surveys.
Speakers: Representatives from UN Mountain Partnership governments, international agencies and major groups. At least 4 high-level national representatives, plus scientists and practitioners will present solutions and mechanisms to address mountain priorities under UNFCCC and other international processes.
Samantha Abear
+39 6 57055101
Eric Chavez Betancourt
Asociación Civil Oikos (OIKOS)
+51 1 4617428
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Climate Adaptation Policies, NAPs and Stakeholder Engagement Sri Lankan government will present its adaptation actions at the national and international level, with a focus on the NAP of Sri Lanka, its formulation and the way forward. It also focuses on participatory and inclusive adaptation actions, adaptation action, NDC an and need for climate finance.
Speakers: Director(Climate Change), Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment
Chairman, National Expert Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
Thamila Dulani
Sri Lanka
+94 71 8517474
Alejandro Aleman
Centro Alexander von Humboldt
+505 505 88267474
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Improving NDCs: Ecovillage development, energy access, & zero carbon societies in Africa, Asia & EU How can local solutions lead to ambitious NDCs, provide energy access & improve livelihoods? Many ecovillages and local communities are net zero carbon, energy self-sufficient, and offer extraordinary opportunities to scale up local renewables, climate friendly agriculture, ecosystem restoration etc
Speakers: D.Ba, f.dir. Senegal Natl Ecovillage Agency; K.Joubert, CEO, GEN; T.Clarke, ECOLISE; Govt Rep. Bhutan for Life; K.Myles, INFORSE-South Asia; D.Herath, IDEA SriLanka; S.Maharjan, CRT/Nepal; M.M.Hasan, Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh; S.Patnaik CANSA; P.Allen, CAT, UK; P.Maegaard & L.Gorroño, NFVE, Denmark
Gunnar Olesen Boye
International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
+45 86 227000
Jane Kruse
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (NFVE)
+45 97 956600
Eamon O'Hara
European Network for Community-Led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability (ECOLISE)
+33 565 245828
Rob Wheeler
Global Ecovillage Network (GEN - International)
+33 752 81234
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Climate change and energy transition in Mediterranean Region: Opportunities through NDCs cooperation Presentation of analysis and proposals for the Mediterranean basin. Prospective vision on commonalities and particularities. The carbon budget methodology in NDCs case studies. OME/MEDENER 2°C Scenario for the energy transition in the region, implemented in the context of cooperation
Houda Allal
Observatoire méditerranéen de l'énergie (OME)
+33 6 18512235
Josep Xercavins
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)
+34 93 620932564
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Avoiding Irreversible Ocean and Polar Thresholds - Raising Ambition for 2018 Facilitative Dialogues Leading researchers discuss the science mandating far greater NDCs in the next Paris Agreement stage to prevent high-risk change, regarding ocean acidification and warming, ice sheets and SLR; with a look ahead at the IPCC’s Oceans and Cryosphere report, and the Arctic Council’s latest assessments.
Speakers: The Hon. I. Lövin, Swedish Minister for Climate(tbc); H. Pörtner, Co-chair, IPCC WG II; AWI; L. Reiersen, Exec Director, AMAP; V. Ryabinin, Exec.Secretary, IOC-UNESCO; C. Turley OBE, Sr.Scientist, Plymouth Marine Laboratory; S. Bodin, Director, ICCI-Europe; President, Swedish Meteorological Assoc
Thecla Keizer
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
+44 7818 402632
Pamela Pearson
International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI)
+1 802 4880991
Pam Pearson
Climate Policy Center (CPC)
+46 70 5752257
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Advances and perspectives on the implementation of subnational REDD+ programs in Brazilian Amazon In such a vast territory as the Brazilian Amazon, the challenge of reduce deforestation is enormous, but can be better achieved with the implementation of jurisdictional programs and local entrepreneurship. The event will discuss the innovative programs and solutions in different levels taking place
Speakers: Governors and Environmental Secretaries from the Governor’s Climate and Forest Task Force – GCF; GCF Coordinator in Brazil; Amazonas Sustainable Foundation; civil society representative
Luiza Lima
Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDESAM)
+55 92 991425189
Gabriela Sampaio
Sustainable Amazonas Foundation (FAS)
+55 92 992350035
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Achieving NDCs: Success Stories from a Sectoral View – Practical Examples and an Outlook In the context of the newly launched NDC Partnership, the event will focus on NDC implementation from a sectoral view. Featuring best practice examples from partner countries and speakers from various sectors, the event will present insights on innovative approaches for successful NDC achievement.
Speakers: Government representatives from several developing countries; German government representative; tbc
Kathrin Aldema-Bolz
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
+49 6196 793375
Mirza Shawkat Ali
+88 2 8181797
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Charting Pathways to Decarbonise Transport Challenges for all modes must be addressed to successfully decarbonize the transport sector. This event focuses on developing pathways and closing the gaps between national commitments and delivery on climate mitigation. Policy makers will discuss actions required to decarbonise transport by 2050.
Speakers: Speakers will be invited from key transport modal associations and businesses, including heads of organisations at ITF, UITP, UIC, ICAO, IRU, ICS, and Michelin.
Wei-Shiuen Ng
International Transport Forum, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (ITF)
+33 1 73312547
Philip Turner
International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
+32 477 580655
Marie-Luz Philippe
International Union of Railways (UIC)
+33 1 44492093
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of climate change topics in 45m lessons packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Development of climate finance standard Development of climate finance standard
Speakers: ADEME (Agence Francaise pour le Development et la Maitrise de l’Energy), (L’Agence Francaise de NORmalisation) and 2 degrees investing initiative.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Future cities for climate change targets (CCTs), agroecology and local biocultural assessments Increasing Urban and Rural Areas Resilience and Sustainability. Providing solution to technical, environmental and social feasibility. A strategy to achieve the CCTs and to restore the critical urban and rural systems using urban agroecology, efficient electricity and local biocultural assessments
Massimo Pieri
COBASE, Cooperativa Tecnico Scientifica di Base (ECOSOC)
+39 6 3330078
Alejandro Argumedo
Asociacion para la Naturaleza y Desarrollo Sostenible (ANDES)
+51 9 84706610
Valentina Jappelli
Gherush92 Committee for Human Rights (Gherush92)
+39 338 6787009
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Transforming Ambition into Local Action: NDC Implementation towards sustainable, low carbon mobility Event will highlight best practices in mitigation actions in the transport sector undertaken by national and local governments, especially those part of the MobiliseYourCity partnership that is part of the GPAA/LPAA. Special emphasis will be placed in measuring progress and setting ambitious targets
Speakers: Panel will have national and local government officials from the global south (Asia, Africa & Latin America) where ITDP & CODATU have engaged with local governments in NDC implementation. The event will showcase experiences from MobiliseYourCity program and ITDP’s work on MRV proposals for transport
Ramon Cruz
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
+1 646 2506671
Coopération pour le Développement et l'Amélioration des Transports Urbains et Périurbains (CODATU)
+33 6 51402354
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Every Breath Counts The health impacts of indoor and ambient air pollution and how it relates to child mortality caused by pneumonia.
Speakers: UNICEF, UNEP
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Supporting the implementation of the MRV arrangements and transparency framework The event will showcase provision of and opportunities for support to developing countries to participate in the MRV arrangements (Convention) and the transparency framework (Paris Agreement). It will also serve as a platform to share success stories and experiences in accessing support.
Toby Hedger
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151026
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Implementing the Paris Agreement: Prospects for Community Based Adaptation Book launch: The African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) intends to launch a new book titled, “Enhancing Effectiveness of Community Based Adaptation (CBA) to Climate Change. Unlocking Some Bolts and Nuts”.
Speakers: African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Transition to innovative and clean technology demands a new mindset India One Solar Power Plant is an example of innovative thinking, based in values and ethics. India One, a 1 Mw solar thermal power plant, is a research project, and features thermal storage.
Speakers: Golo J. Pilz, Advisor Renewable Energy, Brahma Kumaris and Head of Project "India-One" Solar Power Plant.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
SDG17: Science for informed mitigation and adaptation choices The Paris Agreement articulates the need to use best available science to guide mitigation and adaptation choices. This side event shows how science informs GHG emission reductions, helps identify negative environmental impacts and supports climate services to strengthen resilience and adaptation.
Speakers: Speakers will be drawn from the different organizations to present different initiatives and set the tone for an interactive discussion with participants. Attention will be given to ensure a gender balanced representation.
Deon Terblanche
United Nations
+41 227 308240
Fri, 11 Nov 2016 |
Loss and damage due to climate change: Understanding values, vulnerability and livelihood security We explore novel angles to assessing loss and damage under the UNFCCC, particularly intangible and non-market aspects. We offer insights into what people in specific places deem worth protecting yet at stake, with experiences from and urgent recommendations for Southeast Asia, Africa, and the US.
Speakers: P. Tschakert (Worldwide Univ Network), A.K.M. Mamunur Rashid, S. Arfeen, H. Mehedi (An Org. for Socio-Econ Development, AOSED), A. Rahman, S. Huq, F. Kabir (Bangladesh Centre f. Advanced Studies, BCAS), M. New, G. Ziervogel (Univ Cape Town), N. Tuana (Penn State Univ), H. Thew, S. Sallu (Univ Leeds)
Petra Tschakert
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
+81 8 64887673
Nancy Tuana
Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
+1 814 8831862
Md Golam Rabbani
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS)
+88 0 1713248362
Shamim Arfeen
An Organization for Socio-Economic Development (AOSED)
+88 1711 840913
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Demonstrations of Combining Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Development Presentation and discussion on innovative experiences of bridging adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management in policies, institutions and investments for resilient development. Integrated approaches can help countries to translate adaptation commitments into actionable plans.
Speakers: Amb. Franz Perrez (Switzerland), H.E. Noureddine Boutayeb (Morocco), H.E. Diego Pacheco (Bolivia), Ms. Esline Garaebiti (Vanuatu), Mr. Francis Ghesquiere (GFDRR), Mr. Eric Nanchen (FDDM) and Ms. Esther Baur (Swiss Re). Moderation by Amb. Pio Wennubst (Switzerland).
Dina Spörri
+41 58 4629654
Eric Nanchen
Fondation pour le développement durable des régions de montagne (FDDM)
+41 27 6071080
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Transparency of Support and Support for Transparency: Taking Stock of Paris and Moving Ahead Transparency on support provided and how it’s being used is fundamental for the enduring success of Paris. Session features local, national, and global perspectives, w/reports from Latin America and South Asia, w/discussion of new mechanisms under Paris for reporting and tracking finance and results
Speakers: Timmons Roberts, Brown University; Magaly Avila, ProEtica Peru; Romain Weikmans, University of Brussels; Ian Tellam, Adaptify; Transparency International South Asia TBC and developed and developing country delegation commentators
Timmons Roberts
Brown University - Watson Institute
+1 401 4412103
Leah Good
Transparency International (TI)
+49 176 38617864
Magaly Avila
Consejo Nacional para la Ética Pública (PROETICA)
+51 1 4468581
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
NDCs in Practice: Profiling Opportunities and Challenges During the event, Practitioners will discuss opportunities and challenges for advancing NDC implementation. The event will also profile the NDC Partnership’s “NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator,” a new online database of financial and technical assistance programs.
Claudio Forner
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151750
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Unlocking ambition: How non-party stakeholders are contributing to the low carbon transition Companies, investors and sub-national governments are committed to contribute to deliver the Paris agreement. To accelerate implementation and create a virtuous cycle of climate action, public and private sector collaboration, guided by new standards and powered by innovation, will be critical.
Speakers: Laurence Tubiana, Climate Champion; Jan Rabe, Siemens; Javier Torres, EDF; Ian Short, Climate-KIC, Frances Way, CDP; and Tom Baumann, ISO.
Shirin Reuvers
CDP Worldwide (CDP)
+44 203 8183936
Andrea Karpati
Association Climate-KIC (CKIC)
+44 77 14051266
Michael Thomas Baumann
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
+1 613 7951158
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Sustainable landscapes: the role of land use and forests in delivering the Paris Agreement Event explores the role of sustainable landscape management & conservation in delivering on Paris. It discusses risks & opportunities for climate action in forest & production landscapes, & highlights best practices that support responsible finance, rights, livelihoods, food security, & biodiversity
Speakers: Delivered through a facilitated panel discussion involving experts from government, private sector and civil society, followed by Q&A and discussion with audience.
Edward Perry
BirdLife International (BLI)
+33 6 14090340
Ingrid Aas Borge
Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN)
+47 47 41666976
Elizabeth Clarke
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
+44 20 74496237
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Trade and climate change: Can international trade help save the climate? Can global trade help scale up and speed up climate action efforts? In this event policymakers, experts, and business leaders will discuss options for trade and the trade system to positively contribute to climate action and foster a positive relationship between the climate and trade regimes.
Speakers: Roberto Azevêdo, WTO Director General (tbc); John Joseph Danilovich, ICC Secretary General(tbc); Jim Bacchus, ICC, Greenberg Traurig, and E15 Initiative (tbc); Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, Chief Executive ICTSD; private sector representative; policymaker
Sonja Hawkins
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
+41 22 9178816
Julien Colas
Association Française des Entreprises pour l'Environnement (EpE)
+33 1 49709852
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
RegionsAdapt after one year: Progress of sub-nationals leading climate adaptation At this side-event, nrg4SD will present a report disclosing the adaptation data collected through the first reporting conducted among the initiative's members, as well as the activities in progress of its Working Groups and a collection of best practices on subnational adaptation action.
Speakers: Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development - nrg4SD
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of climate change topics in 45m lessons packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Incorporating Blue Carbon Into Nationally Determined Contributions Under the Paris Agreement Coastal blue carbon ecosystems – mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrass meadows – present considerable potential for carbon storage and resilience. Participants in this event will be able to share lessons learned from the challenges and opportunities involved in protecting blue carbon ecosystems.
Speakers: Government of Australia – Mr Patrick Suckling, Ambassador for the Environment
A speaker from:Indonesia,Costa Rica,UAE,US,EU, Kenya,PNG,Conservation International, IOC- UNESCO,Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, the International Partnership for Blue Carbon.
Zoe Sinclair
+61 2 61597546
Marcel Silvius
Wetlands International
+31 318 660924
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
ActionLAC: Accelerating climate action in Latin America through collaboration and strategic support Presentation of ActionLAC – a platform to accelerate climate action by non-state actors in Latin America. The event will start with an overview of the state of climate action worldwide and the ways forward to overcome geographic imbalances.
Speakers: Fundación Avina
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Implementing the PA: UN agencies’ dialogue on impacts of mitigation measures and linkages with trade Agencies including UNFCCC, UNCTAD, ITC, WTO and IFAD will hold discussion on role of trade in implementation of Paris Agreement focusing on addressing impacts of mitigation and adaptation actions including economic diversification, just transition of work force and associated adaptation co-benefits
Speakers: Speakers are from UNFCCC, UNCTAD, ITC, WTO, IFAD and interested Parties.
Kusum Lata
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151421
Sat, 12 Nov 2016 |
Implementing NDCs in developing countries with climate finance Climate finance mechanisms as the Green Climate Fund, Global Environmental Facility, and green banks are key in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in developing countries. The role of implementing entities is fundamental to channel and leverage climate finance.
Speakers: High-level representatives from governments of developing countries, GCF/GEF secretariat, climate finance experts and implementing entities
Ubaldo Elizondo
Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF)
+598 96 471782
Martin Rabbia
+54 11 52773034
Rosa Karina Pinasco Vela
Amazónicos por la Amazonía Association (AMPA)
+51 0 995306796
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Implementing the Paris Agreement The event will discuss the challenges and opportunities towards NDCs’ implementation for mitigation and adaptation, and highlight the new CBIT trust fund supporting the enhanced transparency requirements for action and support of the Paris Agreement.
Speakers: GEF CEO and other speakers.
Monica Fernandes
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
+1 703 3047264
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
The Global Carbon Budget 2016 and its implication for meeting global warming targets We present an analysis of the Global Carbon Budget to 2016 and their drivers, including emission reduction drivers of countries that have already peaked. We show an analysis of potential for negative emissions and discuss the feasibility of keeping global warming well below 2°C or 1.5°C.
Speakers: Youba Sokona (Chair) South Centre, Switzerland; Dr Glen Peters, Center for Int. Climate and Environmental Research; Dr Sabine Fuss, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change; Prof Alice Larkin, Tyndall Centre at Manchester University
Asher Minns
University of East Anglia (UEA)
+0 7880 547843
Lisa Bell
The University of Manchester
+44 161 3063258
Sabine Fuss
Stiftung Mercator Foundation
+49 30 3385537224
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Pre-2020 actions to drive emission reductions and tracking progress IEA will outline cost-effective pre-2020 measures to drive emission reductions, and discuss how air quality concerns can promote climate action. As a complement, ClimateWorks will present the Carbon Transparency Initiative, a collaborative effort to track today’s drivers of future emissions.
Speakers: tbc
Caroline Lee
International Energy Agency (IEA)
+33 1 40576533
Francis-Casey Cronin
ClimateWorks Foundation
+1 415 2025993
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
NAMAs as a tool for (I)NDC implementation – Lessons learned and plans ahead Appropriate organisational structures to deliver NAMA implementation including the role of financial institutions should be carefully considered in NAMA design. This side event will showcase examples of NAMAs as a tool for converting NDCs into climate action.
Speakers: Asger Garnak, Chief Advisor, Climate and Energy Finance, Denmark/Hanna-Mari Ahonen, Senior Specialist - Climate Finance and Cooperation, GreenStream/Inga Zachow, Technical Advisor, GIZ/Albero Galante, Managing Director – Spain, Perspectives/Stan Kolar, Director, Europe and Asia Programs, CCAP
Outi Leskelä
Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
+358 2952 50161
Ash Sharma
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
+358 400 811327
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Responding to Paris: the IPCC's programme for the coming years In addition to its full Assessment Report by 2022, IPCC is preparing three Special Reports on specific topics and one Methodology Report by 2018-19. This side event will present the IPCC's work plan for the coming years, showing how the IPCC products support the implementation of the Paris Agreement
Speakers: tbc
Carlos Martin-Novella
WMO/UNEP Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
+41 0 797088699
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Quantitative scientific evidence for Loss and Damage Leading IPCC climate scientists outline recent advances and remaining challenges in relating greenhouse gas emissions to both slow-onset events and changing probabilities of extreme events, and discuss implications for Loss and Damage with experts in national policy responses and international law.
Speakers: Dr Jan S. Fuglestvedt, Research Director CICERO, Norway; Prof Lavanya Rajamani, International Environmental Law, New Delhi; Dr Saleemul Huq, Director ICCAD, Bangladesh; Dr Friederike E. L. Otto, Senior Researcher, ECI, University of Oxford; High level representative Govt of Bangladesh (tbc)
Tiina Ruohonen
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO)
+0 47 90983161
Friederike Otto
University of Oxford
+44 1865 285716
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
The impact of climate change in mountain areas. A priority for a global action. Vulnerable mountain ecosystems are critical for global fresh water. Covering 22% of all land, mountains are home to over 900 million people, many impoverished, food insecure and lacking resilience. We will review needs and mechanisms for addressing climate change in mountains under the UNFCCC.
Speakers: Representatives from UN Mountain Partnership governments, international agencies and major groups. At least 4 high-level national representatives, plus scientists and practitioners will present solutions and mechanisms to address mountain priorities under UNFCCC and other international processes.
Alessia Vita
+39 6 57056580
Andrew Taber
Instituto Andino de Montaña (IDM)
+1 202 3229492
Mia Rowan
+39 6 57056939
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Gender just climate solutions NGOs from around the world present their good practices as well as their roles in sustainable local economies and climate solutions. The event will highlight key ‘gender-just’ solutions, awarding practical technical examples of projects for climate mitigation or adaptation taking into account gender
Speakers: Women and Gender Constituency members, grassroots women leaders, Ministers and government leaders, COP21 president, representative of Development Agencies.
Anne Barre
Women Engage for a Common Future - International Foundation (WECF International) (WECF)
+49 89 232393818
Usha Nair
All India Women's Conference (AIWC)
+91 11 9968284746
Priscilla Achakpa
Women Environmental Programme (WEP)
+234 900001 8023235798
Titilope Akosa
Centre for 21st Century Issues (C21st)
+234 1 8023047678
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Realising Renewable Energy Potential in Africa through NDC Implementation With the objective of exchanging experiences, this high-level event will discuss the process of realising renewables potential through NDC implementation. A particular focus will be given to accessing available and emerging financing, and the importance & opportunities of strengthening partnerships.
Speakers: H.E.Amina Mohammed, Minister of Environment, Nigeria; H.E. Elham Ibrahim, Commissioner for infrastructure, African Union (AUC); H.E. Patricia Espinosa, Executive secretary, UNFCCC;
Mr. Zaheer Fakir, Co-Chair, Green Climate Fund
Emma Aberg
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
+971 56 6878367
Emmanuel SECK
Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde (ENDA-TM)
+221 33 8222496
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Making the INDCs a Reality: Role of renewable energy in meeting the 1.5C target Renewables are the central pillar in any mitigation strategy. Decision makers and community actors will outline renewable energy (RE) solutions for a 1.5C world, presenting drivers, barriers and facilitating factors for achieving 100% RE. Examples from Morocco/ Arab world, China, Canada & Tanzania.
Speakers: Anna Leidreiter, Boris Schinke, Sixbert Mwanga, Li Junfeng, Laura Williamson, Greenpeace representative
Filippo Boselli
World Future Council (WFC)
+49 403 7091429
Naomi Goodman
Greenpeace International (GREENPEACE)
+31 6 24941044
Laura Williamson
Renewable Energy Policy Network (REN21)
+33 6 3060258
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Delivering Climate Action and Sustainable Development through a Landscapes Approach, Peru Case Study This event will showcase how partnerships between civil society and the public and private sectors, coupled with innovative finance models and tools to avoid deforestation, can deliver climate and development solutions in highly forested regions through a sustainable landscapes approach
Speakers: Speakers from Conservation International, USAID, the Regional Government of San Martin, the Government of Peru, and a private sector partner
Maggie Comstock
Conservation International (CI)
+1 703 3412573
Rachel Mountain
Global Canopy (GC)
+44 1865 724333
Katherine Heller
+1 202 4705665
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
High-level Event: education key driver to scale-up climate action This event will bring together environment and education’s ministers and international organizations to discuss how education can enhance the implementation of the climate agenda and INDCs. Good practices will be showcased. A Guidance document for policy makers and ACE focal points will be launched.
Adriana Valenzuela
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151594
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Initiatives on Climate Change Adaptation in Asia: An Actin Plan on Realizing Low Carbon Development Capacity Building in implementing the Paris Agreement in Asia and the Pacific
Speakers: Suh-Yong CHUNG (CSDLAP $& Korea University, Organizer), Kanat BOZUMBAYEV (Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan, tbc), Olzhas AGABEKOV (Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan), Rajan THAPA (Clean Energy Nepal), Jaiok KIM (Korea Climate & Environment Network), Sergey VASSILYEV (C4), Aiydyn BAKDOLOTOV (Nazarbay
Suh-Yong Chung
Seoul International Law Academy (SILA)
+82 0 1047568646
Sergey Vassilyev
Climate Change Coordination Centre (C4)
+7 7172 519802
Rajan Thapa
Clean Energy Nepal (CEN)
+977 1 5538660
Gulmira Sergazina
+7 7172 740258
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
SDG4: Leaving No One Behind in Climate Change Education The UN System has taken important steps in promoting climate change education. This side event will provide an occasion to discuss this experience, focusing on groups with traditional learning systems and special learning needs, in particular people with disabilities, indigenous peoples, refugees.
Julia Heiss
United Nations
+33 1 45681036
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Tools for Transformation: Low Emissions Development Strategies he Paris Agreement calls for a deep transformation in line with well below 2C/1.5C, and on all countries to prepare low emissions development strategies. This side event presents research and policy lessons on how countries can use this tool to coordinate this transformation in development paths.
Speakers: This side event brings together policy makers from major economies preparing LEDS (e.g. Germany, the EU, China, etc). This will be complemented by perspectives from major research networks (Teresa Ribera on behalf of IDDRI), and from the outgoing French Presidency (Laurence Tubiana)
Thomas Spencer
Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales (IDDRI)
+33 6 88699988
Steffi Richter
+49 30 183052362
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Implementing the Paris Agreement: Kenya’s national enabling environment Interactive event to show role of domestic policy and legal frameworks in implementing the Paris Agreement, focusing on Kenya’s experiences in responding to climate change: Climate Change Act, Climate Action Plans and NDC implementation (by piloting a practical tool to support NDC implementation).
Speakers: Prof. Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary, MENR
Mr. Sam Bickersteth, CEO, CDKN
DFID Kenya, Co-chair of Climate Change Donor Coordination group
Dr. Harun Warui, USAID
Dr. Mary Nyasimi, CCAFS
Prof. Robert Nicholls, University of Southampton
Transparency International-Kenya
Subnational government
Charles Mutai
+254 722 856452
Jebi Rahman
Leadership for Environment and Development International (LEAD International)
+44 7930 527767
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of climate change topics in 45m lessons packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Investing in the planet: Green banks and other financial tools to scale up mitigation technologies The right financial mechanisms need to be in place to encourage investment in low carbon technologies and storage to stimulate a step change in deployment of the more mature technologies. This event examines financing challenges on-the-ground and solutions for policymakers and investors.
Speakers: Confirmed: Grantham Institute Imperial College London, The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Natural Resources Defence Council, Green Bank Network and additional experts and policymakers. TBC: policy official presenting the approach from a developing country.
Alyssa Gilbert
Imperial College London
+44 0 7867524730
Han Chen
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
+1 813 8139510627
Alexandra Howe
The Institution of Chemical Engineers
+44 1788 534407
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Global launch of the Bonn Challenge Barometer and FLR Info Hub In response to growing political will and regional cooperation on forest landscape restoration (FLR) and the Bonn Challenge, IUCN is launching a new assessment tool, the Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress, and a new site, the FLR Info Hub, at UNFCCC COP22.
Speakers: IUCN
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Renewables Working Together: Rural, City, National, Regional and Island Approaches Since COP21, renewable energies have taken centre stage in the climate change process. This event will analyse key challenges and prospects at five levels of renewable energy deployment. Case studies and best practices demonstrating renewables working together in different contexts will be presented
Speakers: Speakers and panellists will be representatives of the REN Alliance partner organizations and experts working at different geographical levels in renewable energy deployment. Following the presentations the panellist will discuss how to replicate and scale up these best practice cases.
Stefan Gsaenger
World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)
+49 175 9401518
Bharadwaj Kummamuru Venkata
World Bioenergy Association (WBA)
+4 76 7159785
Jennifer McIntosh
International Solar Energy Society e.V. (ISES)
+49 761 4590645
Alex Trembath
International Hydropower Association (IHA)
+44 207 6525229
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Presentation by Stefan Gsänger, WWEA, on rural areas
[1 Mb]
Presentation by Marietta Sander, IGA, on regional cooperation
[894 kb]
REN Alliance COP22 Declaration
[59 kb]
Presentation by Richard Taylor, IHA, on the national level
[2 Mb]
Presentation by David Renne, ISES, on islands
[1 Mb]
Presentation by Gustaf Landahl, City of Stockholm, on cities
[1 Mb]
Airport Council International Carbon Accreditation initiative Presenting the Airport Council International Carbon Accreditation initiative, its cooperation with UNFCCC’s Climate Neutral Now, and signing of Casablanca and Marrakech airport as new members of the initiatives.
Speakers: Airport Council International, UNFCCC, Morocco Airport Authority.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Meeting the Paris Goals Through Decision-Maker Tools and Climate Education Pioneering approaches to engage people on climate change are being used by Climate Interactive, the Abibimman Foundation, and MIT. We will highlight the latest decision-maker tools around climate policy and open innovation approaches to building climate awareness.
Speakers: Kenneth Amoateng, Abibimman Foundation; Drew Jones, Climate Interactive; Ellie Johnston, Climate Interactive; Travis Franck, Climate Interactive; Thomas Malone, MIT Climate CoLab
Eleanor Johnston
New Venture Fund (NVF)
+1 336 2028907
Kenneth Nana Amoateng
Abibimman Foundation (AF)
+233 24 4023651
Laur Hesse Fisher
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
+1 617 6172533566
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Emissions Gap Report 2016 - The emissions gap and options for bridging it The UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016 assesses the latest scientific studies on the emissions gap, and how it can be bridged with particular attention to energy efficiency and links to the SDGs. At this side event, the Report is presented, followed by an open panel discussion involving the audience.
Katia Simeonova
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151411
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
SDG1: Community-level adaptation practices to reduce disaster risk, build resilience and end poverty Participatory community-led climate adaptation, disaster risk reduction and low-carbon development can reduce poverty. This session addresses how early warning/disaster preparedness, climate services, inclusive land planning, rights-based approaches, and social protection can contribute to this aim
Speakers: Speakers will be drawn from government officials, community leaders and other stakeholders. The session will be designed to profile women’s leadership.
Kathryn Milliken
United Nations
+49 228 8151252
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Climate Change education at every level: The Grenada Climate Change Toolkit and action under the Community Climate Change Adaptation Fund.
Speakers: Mr. Curllan Bhola and Mr. Andre Joseph-Witzig, Government of Grenada
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Harmonizing GHG Accounting Standards to Mobilize Public and Private Finance
for Climate Action This side event, organized by the Climate Investment Funds and the Government of Senegal, is one step in a process aiming at positioning the harmonized standards the IFI TWG will develop as the standards for evaluation of GHG impact of the capital market.
Speakers: Moderator: UNFCCC Secretariat, James Grabert, Director
Panelists: CIF, Mafalda Duarte, Manager; World Bank Group, James Close, Director; EBRD, Jan-Willem van de Ven, Head of CM; BNP Paribas, Stephanie Sfakianos; AFD, Pierre FORESTIER, Head CC Division; GIB, Gavin Templeton, Head Sustainable
Angela Bekkers
World Bank Group
+1 202 3613459
Madeleine Diouf
+221 77 682533
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Presentation and consultation To present activities, holding some consultation inter-agency meetings, presenting existing ECO projects.
Speakers: Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
World Wide views (WWViews) on Oceans and Seas Coordinating a project World Wide views (WWViews) on Oceans and Seas that supports public awareness on oceans and seas protection, promotes citizen participation in global governance, contributes to the SDG 14 and ultimately supports the protection of the Oceans.
Speakers: Climate Analytics,
DBT International Danish Board of Technology Foundation, Missions Publiques and Expert and Arizona State University – based Expert Citizen Assessment of Science and Technology (ECAST)
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Mon, 14 Nov 2016 |
Science-Policy Dialogue to Reach Paris Targets viaTransformation at All Levels of Governments Discussion on pathways to accelerate the global transformation towards zero emissions and the role of cities therein, concurrently with the progress in programmatic approaches for raising ambition in climate action of local and subnational governments, among – among WBGU, ICLEI and guests.
Speakers: H J Schellnhuber (WBGU and PIK), N Nakicenovic (WBGU and IIASA), Park Won Soon, ICLEI (tbc), G Van Begin, ICLEI; other local and subnational representatives (tbc), guests (tbc)
Yunus Arikan
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)
+49 1515 750004
Astrid Schulz
German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
+49 30 2639480
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
How technology and business are mobilizing climate change adaptation & mitigation at scale Scaling resilience & mitigation in developing regions demands innovative approaches. In partnership with business & government, low income groups are using satellite, drone & mobile technology to be more climate responsive. Insights & tools from varied cases in West Africa & Asia will be shared.
Speakers: Representative of the Governement of Burkina Faso, Representative of a large Multinational company, Representative of technology innovation enterprise
Keshav C Das
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
+91 11 9871901317
Tamara Inkster-Draper
University of Cambridge
+44 1223 768854
+237 237 699530920
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Woody Biomass Energy to Meet NDCs and SDGs in Developing Countries Tree-based bioenergy systems can contribute to sustainable development in developing countries while providing strong mitigation and adaptation co-benefits. The event will present solutions how bioenergy systems can be modern, accessible and affordable within a realistic development perspective.
Speakers: ICRAF, INBAR, African country
Henry Neufeldt
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
+254 719 346325
Daniel Mejia
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
+86 10 64706180
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Accelerating Action: Catalyzing and financing NDC implementation to support climate, growth and deve This event will focus on what's needed to catalyze and finance the implementation of NDCs, including promoting accessible and responsive support; tackling key risks and barriers to private finance; developing robust implementation roadmaps; and advancing action through the Paris Agreement.
Speakers: Minister Ploumen, Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation, Netherlands; Ajay Mathur, Director-General, TERI; Paddy Padmanathan, CEO ACWA power; Andrew Steer, President & CEO of WRI, Rachel Kyte, CEO of SE4All and Special Rep. of the UNSG, moderated by Dr. Buchner, Executive Director of CPI
Simran Singh
World Resources Institute (WRI)
+1 202 7297955
Ashley Ferguson
Climate Policy Initiative, Inc (CPI)
+1 415 2025846
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
U.S. Climate Action at All Levels A panel of U.S. Administration Officials, a U.S. business Leader, and a U.S. local leader/Utility rep would discuss the breadth and scope of U.S. climate action from federal government, local government, U.S. companies, and the energy industry over the last several years. Speakers will describe the
Speakers: Brian Deese, Deb Markowitz Secretary of Natural Resources for Vermont,
Diane Holdorf, CSO Kellogg,
Moderator: Jennifer Layke, Global Energy Director, WRI
Ron Benioff
National Renewable Energy Laboratory/Alliance for Sustainable Energy (NREL)
+1 303 9083849
Kari Pederson
United States of America
+1 202 6474688
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Understanding agriculture in relation to industrial food systems, compensation and food security Sustainable production and consumption are at the heart of climate change when taking into account deforestation, waste, meat consumption, transport, etc. But more research and knowledge sharing is needed in order to address this issue.
Speakers: Olivier de Schutter
Hilal Elver
Anne-Laure Sable
Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement - Terre solidaire (CCFD-Terre Solidaire)
+33 1 44828137
Giulia Bondi
Cooperation Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE)
+32 2 2333750
Bertrand Noiret
Action Against Hunger (ACF)
+33 6 2672236
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Taking the Clean Energy Transformation from Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to Action A panel of executives & market experts discuss a broad clean energy portfolio that will enable countries to reach NDC energy and mitigation goals, including energy efficiency, renewable energy as well as CO2 capture & utilisation for energy and material production & for permanent geological storage.
Speakers: Clean energy executives and experts from US, Australia, Europe, IEA, Grantham Institute and side event host organizations.
Lisa Jacobson
International Council for Sustainable Energy (ICSE)
+1 202 7850507
Kolja Kuse
European Business Council for Sustainable Energy (e5)
+49 89 9295422
Mark Bonner
Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Ltd
+61 7 439343117
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Out of the Shadows post-Paris: Animal Agriculture & Climate Change The panel will illuminate climate & other environmental & social effects of large-scale animal agriculture & feed production & demonstrate ways the Paris Accord can address & reverse these. Needed research, policy shifts, public engagement, public-private partnerships & innovation will be explored.
Speakers: Caroline Wimberly, Brighter Green; Tozie Zofuka, HSI and Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance (PAAWA); Amal el Bekri, RAPAD Maroc; Simone Lovera, Global Forest Coalition (GFC), plus others.
Mia MacDonald
Brighter Green, Inc.
+1 917 6268702
Martin Zerfas
Humane Society International (HSI)
+1 202 7786137
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Achieving sustainability through a comprehensive urban policy and strategic interventions This side event will focus on presenting Mexico’s approach on developing a National Urban Policy and including principles of sustainability in the city context. It will also present projects undertaken as part of the National Sustainable City Network and opportunities for green financing
Speakers: Patricia Espinosa,Executive Secretary of UNFCCC
Rosario Robles, Minister of Agrarian,Territorial and Urban Development-SEDATU
Jesus A. Cano, Federal Mortgage Society of Mexico.
Jennifer Layke, World Resources Institute.
Jorge Wolpert, Urban Development, Land and Housing-SEDATU
Alejandro Trevino
+52 55 52153990
Taryn Sanchez Montesinos
Reforestamos Mexico (RM)
+52 55 48702407
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
SDG3: Good health and wellbeing ONE-UN side event on “Climate and Health” The side event will provide an overview of the action agenda for the public health community to support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs for a healthier and more sustainable society.
Marina Maiero
United Nations
+41 227 912402
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
SDG11: Urban Development as a Catalyst of Climate Action The UN System Side Event on Sustainable Cities & Communities (SDG11) will showcase solutions of catalytic urban climate action for sustainable development, and will provide space for discussions on the integration of the Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the New Urban Agenda.
Marcus Mayr
United Nations
+25 420 7625394
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Climate Change: early action and implementation Presentation of practical country and international efforts to remove fossil fuel subsidies and invest in renewables, public transport and energy efficiency. Phasing out USD 500 billion subsidies has emissions reduction potential of 10% and liberates finance for investment insustainable energy.
Speakers: Panelists to include Ministers or Heads of State from Friends of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform and key countries, high-level representatives from MDB, private sector and an economist, e.g. Friends countries, Morocco,US, Francophonie, IEA, Business Community (WBCSD).
selamawit wubet
+251 913 216636
Harro van Asselt
University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
+358 50 3496934
Aida Ghebreselasie
+47 2 95780943
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
SDG17:Building capacity for 2030 Agenda through climate action solutions for regional implementation Explores interface between INDCs and SDGs: common goals, co-benefits, trade-offs, prioritization and sequencing.
Identifies potential for synergies between implementation streams. Discusses role of regional commissions to build capacity for implementing Paris Agreement and identifies country needs.
Speakers: Keynote by President/PM, Executive Secretaries of five UN regional commissions, UNDP Administrator, high-level representation from UNFCCC
Laura Altinger Zahar
United Nations
+66 228 81290
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
SDG17: Delivering the Paris Promise – Making Climate Finance Matter in Marrakech The first part of this side event will focus optimizing impacts of climate finance and its mobilization from multiple sources. The second part will look climate finance for global agriculture and food security, in particular to support smallholders and other vulnerable population
Brian Thomson
United Nations
+39 36 66121101
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Momentum for Change: Women for Results Learn how women are leading the way on climate action. The event includes a high-level segment that will feature a thought-leadership discussion and a showcasing segment that will demonstrate on-the-ground climate action led by the winners of the Momentum for Change Women for Results focus area.
Speakers: TBC
Sarah Marchildon
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Jointly side event of EAC in collaboration with Partners EAC Environment and Natural Resources and Climate Change Programs: Showcasing Achievements, Lesson Learned and Future Plans to Achieving Sustainable Development.
Speakers: Mr.Jean B. Havugimana, Director of Productive Sectors;
Mr. Ladislaus K. Leonidas, Principal Environment and Natural Resources Officer; Ms.Chihenyo Kangara, Regional Climate Change Adaptation Specialist; Ms. Emily Massawa, Climate Change Adaptation Technical Advisor; and Mr. Peter Kinuthia
Ladislaus Kyaruzi
East African Community (EAC)
+255 767 450226
Freddy Manyika
United Republic of Tanzania
+225 713 426060
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Importancia de la cooperación interinstitucional para la implementación de INDC: el caso Guatemala Basado en la Ley de Cambio Climático, con enfoque transversal, el Gobierno de Guatemala promueve la participación y empoderamiento interinstitucional (gobierno central, gobiernos locales, sector privado y sociedad civil), para la adaptación, mitigación y financiamiento, con el fin de cumplir la INDC
Speakers: Doctor Sydney Samuels, Ministro de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales –MARN;
Lic. Carlos Raúl Morales, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores
Lic. Carlos Fernando Coronado, Viceministro de Recursos Naturales y Cambio Climático
Amal-Lee Amin, Jefe de Divisió
Marcel Oseida
+502 0 24230500
Marcedonio Cortave
Asociación de Comunidades Forestales de Petén (ACOFOP)
+502 7 9263571
Javier Marquez
Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza (FDN)
+502 5 3232764
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Jurisdictional Sustainability: A bottom-up, integrated approach to reducing deforestation Jurisdictional sustainability refers to the successful transition to sustainable development across an entire political geography, encompassing the full range of production systems, ecosystems and actors within it. The session explores pathways to jurisdictional sustainability in 5 tropical regions.
Speakers: Jorge Viana:Senator, Former Gov., Acre, Brazil, Victor Noriega:Gov., San Martin, Peru, Fernando Meléndez:Gov., Loreto, Peru, Jeff Seabright:Chief Sustainability Officer, Unilever, Gustavo Sánchez: President, Red Mocaf, Fernando Sampaio:Ex. Director, "Produce, Conserve, Include", Mato Grosso, Brazil
Maria DiGiano
Earth Innovation Institute (EII)
+1 352 3289688
Sergio Madrid
Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostinible, A. C. (CCMSS)
+52 55 5523429738
Laura López
Amigos de la Tierra Asociación Civil (ATAC)
+5 1967 1664508
Harlem Mariño Saavedra
Derecho, Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR) (DAR)
+51 1 3403720
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Carbon Markets and Carbon Pricing in Asia State of play and future prospects This side event brings together key stakeholders to discuss prospects for carbon markets in Asia, in the context of the international policy framework of the Paris Agreement. Topics include: 1. Current status on carbon pricing in Asia, 2. Next steps and challenges, and 3. How domestic carbon pricing
Speakers: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES),
International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP),
Research Institutions,
Country representatives from China, Korea and Thailand
Akihisa Kuriyama
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
+81 46 8269605
Alun Gu
Tsinghua University, Global Climate Change Institute (GCCI)
+86 10 62794098
Beetsnara Han
Climate Change Center (CCC)
+82 10 91822293
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Communicating Climate Change: Engaging Communities through the Arts, Media, Messages, & Mediation Climate communication takes many forms; bringing climate science and policy together with people's knowledge, emotions, values, and beliefs. This roundtable session presents innovative ways to pass through the blind spots, conflicts, and politics to inspire learning and attitude and behavior change.
Speakers: International Environmental Communication Association (IECA)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
The Climate Classroom @ COP 22 The Climate Classroom is a mobile space designed for busy delegates who need to be up to speed on a fast-moving agenda. Throughout COP22, our speakers will teach a wide selection of climate change topics in 45m lessons packed with cutting-edge facts, engaging presentations and interactive activities
Speakers: One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
CSO efforts to make the Green Climate Fund transparent and accountable: GCF Watch The event will discuss the role civil society can play to achieve GCF's objective of a paradigm shift and promote ambition, accountability, and monitor funding implementation’s quality. Best practices on how to make GCF more effective by supporting CSOs will be showcased. GCFWatch will be launched.
Speakers: Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Under 2 MOU: 2050 strategies towards 1.5°C with States, Regions and Cities What do cities, states and regions need to deliver on 1.5°C? 135 Governors, Ministers and Mayors signed the Under 2 MOU to play their part in building a climate-safe world. They will present their plans to deliver on Paris Agreement’s long-term goal, enhancing effective collaboration at all levels
Speakers: High-level speakers will include Governors, Premiers, Ministers and Mayors of cities, regions and nations who have signed the Under 2 MOU from both developing and developed countries. To be moderated by Her Excellency Ms. Laurence Tubiana, French Ambassador for Climate Change (tbc)
Subaskar Sitsabeshan
The Climate Group (TCG)
+44 207 9602986
Emmanuelle Pinault
C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40)
+44 7903 222138
Lorraine Brindel-Schild
Climate Analytics GmbH
+49 30 259229520
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Introducing the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: the impact of collective city action The event will introduce the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, combining the efforts of the European Union Covenant of Mayors and the Compact of Mayors to form the largest coalition of cities committed to climate action. An analysis of the impact of city commitments will be presented.
Speakers: Speakers will include representatives of the European Union, city networks, and mayors.
Angelika Tamásová
+42 1 905998035
Robin Reck
Bloomberg Philanthropies
+1 202 2024485173
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
International Consultation and Analysis This side-event will provide an update on the international consultation and analysis process: the technical analysis of BURs and the facilitative sharing of views as well as the CGE training programme
Alma Jean
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151077
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Launch of our new app 'Gender Climate Tracker Mobile App'. Launch of our new app 'Gender Climate Tracker Mobile App'.
Speakers: Women's Environment & Development Organization (WEDO)
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Dialogue Forum for women's organisations and networks to hold a dialogue on sharing experiences and best practices
Speakers: All India Women's Conference
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
100% Renewable Energy for 1.5°C A diverse group of champions from governments, civil society and businesses will gather at a major COP 22 event to make the case for a transition to 100% Renewable Energy as the ethical, feasible and financially sound approach to address climate change and keep global warming below 1.5°C.
Speakers: Hilda Heine, President of the Marshall Islands;
Shiferaw Teklemariam, Minister of Environment, Forestry and CC of Ethiopia and Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum;
Luis Felipe Arauz Cavallini, Minister of Agric, Costa Rica;
Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator;
Salaheddine Mezouar, COP22 President;
Lasse Bruun
Costa Rica
+212 6 99220674
Lasse Bruun
IndyACT-The League of Independent Activists (IndyACT)
+212 6 99220674
Lasse Bruun
Marshall Islands
+212 6 99220674
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Starting the transition to zero emission societies Starting the transition to zero emission societies
Speakers: INFORSE, International Network for Sustainable Energy, Australian Capital Territory Government
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 |
Waste Management in Island Regions - Cape Verde and Sao Tome Waste Management in Small Islands is a climate policy major issue. In Part I: How CV is establishing strategic guidelines and programs for the sector, in line with its INDC goals. In Part II: How communities in STP are locally building anaerobic digesters for household treatment of organic waste.
Speakers: High level government representatives
Débora Carneiro
Sao Tome and Principe
+239 0 9988123
Rita Sousa
EURONATURA - Centre for Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
+351 918 792848
Débora Carneiro
Cabo Verde
+238 0 3519610434
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Implementation of regional climate smart agriculture approaches: the case of East & Southern Africa What barriers are preventing smallholder farmers from improving their livelihood in the face of negative climate change impact? How can the systems in which they operate be strengthened so as to facilitate transformative change? How can low levels of youth involvement and gender parity be addressed?
Speakers: Hon Oppah C. Z. Muchinguri, Minister, Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate. The Republic of Zimbabwe
Mr Golden Mahove, Deputy Team Leader and Agricultural Development Facility Lead, Vuna
Mr Ishmael Sunga , Chief Executive Officer, Southern Africa Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)
Veronica Jakarasi
+263 4 701681
Ishmael Sunga
Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)
+27 12 6440808
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Financing energy efficiency in developing countries - What are the challenges and options available? Improving energy efficiency in domestic housing, industry and small businesses is essential to reduce GHG emissions and enhance climate resilience. This side event will present good practice examples for energy efficiency projects in developing countries and explore financing options.
Speakers: KfW – Mr. Jochen Harnisch, GERES “ECODEV Program” – Mr. Romain Cres, The Carbon Trust – Mr. Simon Retallack, The Energy Resource Institute (TERI)- TBC
Jochen Harnisch
+49 173 6906094
Rollo Sparkes
The Carbon Trust
+44 207 8324623
+33 0 6234911327
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Global Commons: High-level dialogue on the global commons This event will feature a discussion of the global commons approach to achieving a low-carbon and resilient development trajectory.
Speakers: GEF CEO and other speakers.
Monica Fernandes
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
+1 703 3047264
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Aviation and Shipping after Paris: has anything changed? The Paris Agreement cannot succeed without action on shipping and aviation emissions. 2016 was a year which promised big ambition for the sector through action at ICAO and IMO level. But did either organisation deliver, or is a rethink on action needed?
Speakers: 1 representative from NGOs
1 scientific expert
1 representative from developed country
1 representative from developing country
Andrew Murphy
European Federation of Transport and Environment (T&E)
+32 485 1214
Paul Batty
European Climate Foundation (ECF)
+32 483 603477
Lucile Dufour
Réseau Action Climat - France (RAC-F)
+33 6 77274003
Martin Cames
Oeko-Institut e.V. Institute for Applied Ecology
+49 170 735087
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
NDCs: from Paris to implementation Reducing the investment gap will take on increased significance in light of the ambitious goals of reducing emissions within the country commitments. The IDB Group prioritizes assistance to countries for the implementation of those commitments, translating them into investments plans
Speakers: Amal-Lee Amin, Mafalda Duarte, Laura Gallardo, Angelo Sartori
Catalina Aguiar Parera
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
+1 202 6233997
Julio Cordano
+56 9 87571730
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Africa Day Side Events at COP 22 “Implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Africa: Moving from Commitment to Action"
Speakers: 1.Keynote addresses by Chairperson of AUC, UNECA, AfDB, President AMCEN, Nigerian Minister and Chair Pan-African Parliament
2.Expert Panel Discussion, with a presentation on ”Implementing the NDCs in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges”
3.Ministerial Dialogue on ”NDCs in Africa: Policy implicati
African Union Commission (AUC)
+251 912 659727
Sa'adatu Gambo Madaki
+234 234 2348060502
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Keep It In the Ground: The Global Civil Society & Political Movement to End Fossil Fuel Extraction Fossil fuel reliance must end soon to achieve the Paris Agreement targets.This panel explores global case studies of the growing civil society movement and political lobbying and legislative efforts to end fossil fuel extraction, aiding global mitigation efforts toward a zero-carbon future.
Speakers: Civil society members from Africa, Asia, Americas working to end fossil fuel extraction. Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network; Lidy Nacpil, Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development; Max Andersson, Member of the European Parliament; Filip Lövström, PUSH Sweden; Martin Vilela, Bolivia
Jean Su
Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)
+1 510 8447139
Darcey O'Callaghan
Food & Water Watch (FWW)
+1 202 6832523
Jennifer Unelius
PUSH Sweden
+46 0 762378615
Cicilymol Paramunda
Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries (SCMM)
+1 215 7426100
Edwin Santana
350.org (350.org)
+347 460 7719
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Positive Carbon Pricing: potential of para. 108 of the Paris Decision and implementation options The Paris Decision recognized the economic, social and environmental value of mitigation activities. This side event will discuss options to create financial instruments (green bonds, guarantee funds for sustainable infrastructure investments, issuance of carbon assets) consistent with Article 2
Speakers: Minister of the Environment of Brazil, CIRED, CBC Brasil, France Stratégie, CBI and other participants.
Alexandra da Costa
+55 61 20281003
Lilia Caiado
Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS)
+55 21 24832250
Vincent Aussilloux
+33 1 42756090
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Climate Justice & Sustainable Development: Legal Innovations in Haiti & Vulnerable Countries A dialogue on law & governance aspects of Paris Agreement implementation for sustainable development in Haiti & other vulnerable countries. Explore emerging climate instruments, justice, finance & litigation trends for a greener economy, ecosystem-based resilience, biodiversity & clean energy.
Speakers: Senior representatives & experts from CISDL, Haiti, & other highly vulnerable countries.
Patrick Reynaud
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL)
+1 416 8657632
Edna Blanc Civil
+1 514 3815857
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
The Ministerial Declaration on Carbon Markets: building high-integrity international carbon markets Emission trading programs that cap and cut climate pollution are now underway in over fifty jurisdictions around the world that are home to over 1 billion people. Panelists will explore how coordination among market-interested countries can enhance environmental integrity and mitigation ambition.
Speakers: Government, NGO, and business representatives will discuss the benefits of coordination on carbon market standards to support implementation of the Paris Agreement, including standards for environmental integrity. Participants will provide updates on the Ministerial Declaration on Carbon Markets.
Daniel Francis
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
+1 212 6161392
Kimberlee McGenerty
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
+1 647 2844777
Helen Plume
New Zealand
+64 4 4397627
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Women for Climate Justice Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of Climate Change We will hear from grassroots and Indigenous women leaders addressing climate solutions from a climate justice framework including forest and biodiversity protection, just transition to 100% renewable energy, agro-ecology implementation and rights of nature.
Speakers: Neema Namadamu (WECAN DR Congo); Representatives from MENA region climate justice organizations; Indigenous and grassroots leaders from various impacted regions; Thilmeeza Hussain (Climate Wise Women - WECAN) and Osprey Orielle Lake (Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network)
Wyolah Garden
Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)
+1 415 7222083
Wyolah Garden
Ithaca College
+1 415 7222083
Wyolah Garden
Earth Island Institute, Inc. (EII)
+415 722 2083
Alexandra Groome
Organic Consumers Association (OCA)
+1 218 2640459
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
The GCF and the Implementation of the Paris Agreement The GCF will convene relevant speakers to discuss its latest policy development regarding the support to developing countries for the implementation of NDCs, as well as regarding the formulation and implementation of NAPs.
Speakers: TBD
Rouna A
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
+82 32 4586043
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Devolved climate finance: how to reach the most vulnerable Devolving climate finance in Kenya, Tanzania, Mali & Senegal is demonstrating how to support equitable, local level resilience building. The value of local knowledge in setting priorities is echoed in other approaches for locally led resilience building. The event will distil practical ways forward
Speakers: Representatives from governments and civil society partners will share experiences of devolved climate finance and using local knowledge to enhance the resilience of the most vulnerable. The event will be interactive to enable networking, sharing tools and learning about what works in practice
Samuel Greene
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
+44 203 4637378
VIktoriya Chuikina
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
+41 22 7304455
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
SDG2: Zero hunger under a changing climate (agriculture and food security) Climate change is a major challenge for meeting the SDG2. The joint side event concentrates on efforts combining the fight against hunger and the fight against climate change, focuses on countries’ experiences and showcases the importance of data and financial instruments in facilitating adaptation.
Julia Wolf
United Nations
+39 65 7055652
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Actions on near-term climate mitigation to protect air quality and achieve the Paris climate goals. Key message: Reducing short-lived climate pollutants can reduce projected global warming by 0.5 degrees Celsius and provide numerous co-benefits for human health and the implementation of the sustainable development goals.
Speakers: Hakima El Haite, Minister, Morocco; Prof. Mark Lawrence, IASS; Prof. V. Ramanathan, UCSD; Prof. M.J. Molina, UCSD; Durwood Zaelke, IGSD; State Senator Ricardo Lara, California; Eduardo Bitran Colodro, CORFO; James Close, World Bank; Stefanie Lindenberg, EIB; Roland Kupers, Oxford University
Kathleen Mar
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
+49 152 37313229
Katie Fletcher
Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD)
+1 202 3381300
Houssin Ludivine
Institut Veolia
+33 1 53432254
Ange-Benjamin Brida
Côte d'Ivoire
+225 0 554330746
Stephen Van Maren
Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy
+1 703 5164118
Stephen Van Maren
International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP)
+1 510 3903372
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Momentum for Change: Financing for Climate Friendly Investment Learn how innovation is playing a key role in unlocking financial resources for activities that promote low-carbon growth and highly resilient communities. The event will showcase climate action by the 2016 winners of the Momentum for Change Financing for Climate Friendly Investment focus area.
Speakers: TBC
Sarah Marchildon
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Momentum for Change: ICT Solutions Thought leaders and ICT innovators will discuss the importance of ICT in building climate resilience and reducing emissions. The event will also showcase climate action by the 2016 winners of the Momentum for Change ICT Solutions focus area.
Speakers: TBC
Sarah Marchildon
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Momentum for Change: Showcase Event This exciting and uplifting evening event will celebrate the 2016 Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activity winners with inspiring videos, photography and an award ceremony.
Speakers: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Spokesperson Nick Nuttall, Momentum for Change Advisory Panel Chair Teresa Ribera
Sarah Marchildon
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
On the ground support needs for climate action and capacity building in developing countries To implement ambitious climate action under the Paris Agreement, developing countries will need support. The event will discuss the type of support needed to deploy climate action on the ground and explore how the UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Centres (RCCs) could be expanded to address these needs.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Accelerating Investments in Renewable Energy in Africa: Challenges and success stories-Ghana & Kenya An enhanced dissemination, adoption and utilisation of renewable energy sources are critical for climate change mitigation. Unfortunately, investments in RE in Africa are inadequate. The event will unravel successes, opportunities & constraints to renewable energy investments in Ghana and Kenya
Speakers: Minister of power,
Dr. Kwame Ampofo-Board Chair,Energy Commission,
Mr. Otu Danquah-Ag. Director,Energy Commission,
Prof. Felix Asante, University of Ghana
Dr. Ana Pueyo,Institute of Development Studies, UK,
Dr. Dickson Khainga, Kenya Institute for Public Policy & Research and Analysis
Samuel Confidence Dotse
HATOF Foundation
+233 50 6679055
Mary Jane Enchill
+233 2 246346698
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Accelerating Implementation: Transitioning to Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development Pathways This side event will provide a forum at which different countries and experts share their experiences, challenges and lessons learned with a view to identifying keys issues and solutions that would enhance transitioning to low green house gas emissions and climate resilient development pathways.
Speakers: Hon. Chebet Maikut, Ag. Climate Change Commissioner & UNFCCC Focal Point - Uganda
Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI
Dr. Abid Suleri, Executive Director, SDPI
Dr. Edward Cameron, Managing Director, BSR
Dr. Cosmas Ochieng, Executive Director, ACTS
Edith Ofwona Adera
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
+254 722 903442
Manish Shrivastava
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
+91 98918 84894
+256 0 753666777
Samantha Harris
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
+1 617 2838854
Kennedy Mbeva
African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)
+254 722 361183
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Trusting Partnerships for Climate Resilience & Adaptation in Indigenous & Remote Communities Explore creative alliances between Indigenous and non-Indigenous actors that establish trust and build climate resilience in Canadian & global South Indigenous communities. Impactful solutions for building knowledge & capacity and implementing renewable energy & infrastructure will be presented.
Speakers: Michael Brooks (Journalist), Kansie Fox (Kainai First Nation), Bill Lenihan (Off Grid Electric), Aaron Leopold (Practical Action), Laura Lynes (Rockies Institute), Fabiola Ortiz (Discourse Media), Greg Poelzer (USask)
Sarah Brown
University of Waterloo
+1 226 7897909
Laura Shay Lynes
The Rockies Institute Ltd (TRI)
+1 403 6798492
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Implementing Adaptation for Resilient Mediterranean-climate Regions Mediterranean cities, located on six continents, face many pressing management challenges because of climate change. This event will present best practices and case studies linking consumer behavior; stakeholder and citizen participation; health; and climate policy.
Speakers: Yael Cohen Paran, Israeli Knesset; Laurel Hunt, Mediterranean City Climate Change Consortium; Sinaia Netanyahu, Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection; Cristina Tirado, University of California Los Angeles; Richard Worthington, Pomona College; David Hochschild, California Energy Commission
Laurel Hunt
Pomona College
+1 415 9394519
Ronnie Cohen Ginat
+972 50 6233390
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
The Arts as an Ally for Inspiring Climate Action This presentation by a social scientist and 2 arts producers discusses examples and results of how the arts have worked in collaboration with science and other fields to spark attitudinal and behavioral shifts and make climate change and sustainability personal, visceral, and actionable.
Speakers: Marda Kirn, EcoArts Connections; Max Boykoff, social scientist; Alison Carey, Director of American Revolutions at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
EU 2030 climate and energy framework Presentation of the proposed EU legislation to ensure that EU would reach its target of cutting EU wide emissions by at least 40% by 2030 below 1990 levels; proposed reforms to the EU ETS, the Effort Sharing and the land-use sectors.
Speakers: M. Arias Cañete, G. La Via, J. Herrera, N. Topping, T. Lingard, S. Howard, I. Luebbeke, and A. Hidalgo (tbc).
Marie Bondu
European Union
+32 2 2984591
Martin Nesbit
Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
+44 780 1442219
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Eurasian Network on Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Nat. Communications, Biennial Update Reports, INDCs The Eurasian Network aims at strengthening South-South cooperation in the preparation of national greenhouse gases inventories and reporting on climate change (NCs and BURs) among countries in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East.
Speakers: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Lebanon and Macedonia
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Joining forces to achieve SDG15: Delivering on the Global Agenda for Forests,Climate and Development Presentation and town hall discussion on REDD+ (reducing deforestation and forest degradation) and other land-use-related initiatives as powerful catalysts for delivering on SDG15 and achieving countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions.
Speakers: Ministers from Costa Rica (H.E. E. Gutiérez Espeleta), Ghana (H.E. M. Ayariga), Indonesia (H.E. S. Nurbaya), Fiji (H.E. O. Naiqamu) and Norway (H.E. V. Helgesen); H. Oumarou Ibrahim (AFPAT/IPACC); J. Graziano da Silva (FAO), M. Martínez-Solimán (UNDP), I. Thiaw (UNEP), J. Roome (World Bank); M. Frei
Katherine Clyne
United Nations
+390 6570 56686
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Restitution of the Assembly of African Citizens the Moroccan Coalition for Climate Justice (MCCJ) has initiated, with other networks, a process aiming to establish a sustainable coordination mechanism of African civil society.
Speakers: Coalition Marocaine pour la Justice Climatique, CAN, Réseau Climat et Développement, PACJA, Alternatives Internationales, African People Dialogue, AIDC, Forum Social Sénégalais, réseau Nigéria pour la Justice Climatique, Fondation for Socio Economic Justice
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Panel Small panel to discuss their research on U.S. and China climate change policies, and the opportunities for the two countries to collaborate on curbing emissions. Discussion and conversation with others in the Oasis.
Speakers: Emory University
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
"Intertwining" Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction It is beyond question that both the CCA and SFDRR shares commonly most of the agendas and parameters to be implemented. At the top policy level, there is the need to translate the strategic policy of mutual sysbiosis into action, based on the commitment of reinforcement wish to each other.
Speakers: Krisoker Sor (Farmers' Voice)
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Innovative low carbon solutions in Chinese universities Innovative actions and young entrepreneurs in Chinese universities
Speakers: Qianshu Education
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 |
Enabling results-based payments for REDD+ in tropical forests: Lessons from reference setting Several efforts to set national and sub-national reference levels have been made in tropical forests of varying ecological and socio-economic complexities. Making reliable and consistent reference levels is a major challenge that can be addressed through increased research and capacity building.
Speakers: Dr M. Sanchez(Basque Centre for Climate Change, ESP); Dr Y. Hirata (FFPRI, JPN); Dr E. Philip (FRIM, MYS); Ms N. Widyaningtyas (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, INA); Mr C. Leng, (Ministry of Environment,KHM);Mr K. Agyei (National REDD+ Secretariat, GHA)
Yasumasa Hirata
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI)
+81 29 8298327
Hwan-OK Ma
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
+81 45 2231110
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Experiences sharing on Nepal NAP formulation Process and Approaches In the spirit of Cancun Adaptation Framework and the Paris Agreement, Nepal is formulating NAP through the thematic and cross cutting working groups with "no one leave behind" approach by ensuring multi-stakeholder participation, inclusiveness and rigorous consultative process.
Speakers: The speaker of this event will be Dr. Bishwa Nath Oli,Secretary MoPE, Dr. Ram Pd. Lamsal, UNFCCC focal point and other professionals practitioners.
Naresh Sharma
+977 1 5200575
Bhaskar Karky
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
+977 1 5003310
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Financing sustainable local action for climate: what joint agenda for Non- party stakeholders Most of the investments needed to reach the 5-year climate action plan will be conducted locally. There is an urgency to strengthen local finances/capacities to implement it through multi-stakeholder local/international action. What challenges for a joint roadmap between state/non-state actors?
Speakers: Moderator: R. Dantec, Senator, Climate Chance Chair
Souad Zaïdi, Deputy Mayor Rabat UCLG Local Finance Committee President
Mayor of Brussels (International action)
AFD Representative(CCFLA member)
Benoît Leguet,Directeur d’I4CE
Conclusions:F.Vallier CEMR SG
eva banos de guisasola
Conseil des Communes et Régions d'Europe (CCRE / CEMR)
+32 495 364011
Ian Cochran
I4CE - Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE)
+33 0 648317550
Natalène Poisson
United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG)
+34 6 73856477
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Triangular climate action: harmonized efforts of businesses, NGOs and the Government The session aims to provide diverse perspectives on cross-sector collaboration, between businesses, Government and civil society, to create an unparalleled opportunity to support business innovation and bring scale to the emerging low carbon climate resilient economy.
Speakers: Lebanese Ministry of Environment •UNDP •EU Climasouth project •Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International• Green Mind NGO
Lea Kai
+961 3 744252
Rana El Hajj
American University of Beirut (AUB-IFI)
+961 3 404625
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Development Priority:Adaptation and mitigation in particularly vulnerable countries Latin America Approaches in reducing climate vulnerability and articulating adaptation and mitigation actions offer the best opportunities to achieve sustainable development goals.
Speakers: 1. Ms.Lina Pohl, Minister of Environment, El Salvador, 2.Prof.Maria José Sanz, Scientific Director BC3, 3. Mr.Luis Reyes, National Energy Board El Salvador, 4. Mr.Jorge Quezada, National Focal Point UNCCD, 5. Mr.Joan França, Project Manager, 6. Mr.Chung-Huang Huang,Taiwan Research Institute
Antonio Cañas
El Salvador
+503 0 21329557
Ainhoa Azkarate
Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)
+34 94 4014690
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
The role of Brazil, agriculture and forestry in the Paris Agreement The case of BCCFA in building forum for discussion and cocreation among the key players of Brazilian society to make the transition to a low carbon economy. Side event objective: bring together global decision and opinion makers to discussion.
Speakers: Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Blairo Maggi
Brazilian Minister of Environment, Mr. Sarney Filho
World Bank Agriculture Global Director, Ethel Sennhauser
Climate Policy Initiative Executive Director, Barbara Buchner
UNEP Executive Director, Erik Solheim - to be confirmed
Luana Maia
Brazilian Tree Industry (Iba)
+55 11 984337096
Rachel Glueck
UNICA - Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA)
+55 11 30934960
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Implementing the NDCs to the Paris agreement: Bridging the legislative and policy gap Parliamentarians, negotiators and policy experts discuss the findings of the Global climate legislation data and the analysis of the legislative gap that needs to be bridged to implement the NDCs to the Paris agreement. They will also and share experiences with initiating NDC implementation.
Speakers: Prof. Nick Stern, LSE
Hon. Saber Chowdhury, IPU President
Dr. Alina Averchenkova, GRI
Members of Parliaments
Senior negotiators
Alina Averchenkova
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
+44 7799 657954
Aleksandra Blagojevic
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
+41 22 9194183
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Low-carbon Development in Russia: Challenges and Opportunities The panel will gather top-level executives and experts to discuss the role of Russian low carbon technologies, in particular nanotechnologies, as well as the readiness of business to meet the challenges and leverage the opportunities for Climate Change mitigation
Speakers: A.Bedritsky (Adviser to the President of Russia and Special Presidential Representative on Climate Issues), S.Donskoi (Minister of Natural Resources), N.Podguzov (Deputy Minister of Economic Development), A.Chubais (CEO, RUSNANO), S.Kirienko (CEO, ROSATOM), V.Solov’ev (CEO RUSAL)
Alexander Frolov
Russian Federation
+7 499 7952405
Sergey Bondarev
National Carbon Sequestration Foundation (NCSF)
+7 905 9057379652
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Human Rights in the Paris Agreement—Translating Words into Action The Paris Agreement provides opportunities to tackle climate change while promoting the rights of local communities. We will discuss how environmental, development and human rights actors can work together to reduce emissions, increase resilience and make progress towards the SDGs.
Sébastien Duyck
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
+41 78 6966362
Katharina Rall
Human Rights Watch, Inc. (HRW)
+33 766 318048
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Different Routes, Same Destination: Sub-national Approaches to Climate Action in North America High-ranking officials from a politically diverse set of US states and Canadian provinces will discuss a variety of approaches to transitioning to a low-carbon future, including initiatives associated with transportation, renewable energy, energy efficiency, land use, and sub-national collaboration.
Speakers: David Rosenheim, Ex. Dir., The Climate Registry; Mary Polak, Min. of Env., British Columbia; Glen Murray, Min. of Env., Ontario; David Heurtel, Min. of Env., Quebec; Mary Nichols, Chair, CA Air Resources Board; Ann McCabe, Comm. Illinois Commerce Comm; Deb Markowitz, Sec. of Natural Res., Vermont
David Rosenheim
The Climate Registry (TCR)
+415 680 707
Joanna Lewis
Georgetown University
+1 202 6877284
Craig Ebert
Climate Action Reserve
+1 213 2131239
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Adaptation to cc: National & Sub-National Coherence, Coordination And Cooperation At Regional Level Tackling CC needs a multi-level approach and collaborative participation. This side-event will showcase stories where national and subnational governments have successfully worked together in climate adaptation towards the achievement of international climate objectives and resilient territories
Speakers: Minister of the Western Province (Sri Lanka)
Minister of Flanders (Belgium)
Minister of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Four Ministers of Environment from SACEP member countries(To be confirmed,Selected experts from member countries, Director General of SACEP.
Chamina Alexander
South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP)
+94 11 2552761
Natalia Vera
Regions4 Sustainable Development (Regions4)
+34 653 653221968
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
SDG7: Meeting the 2°C challenge: Nexus of Innovation and Clean Energy The event will bring together the experiences from UN organizations to reflect on possible innovative technologies in clean energy that ensures access to affordable and modern energy whilst keeping global temperature increase to below 2°C.
Pradeep Monga
United Nations
+43 12 60263018
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Realizing the Potential of the Paris Agreement How can the Paris Agreement be elaborated, implemented, and complemented - so that its potential to advance mitigation and adaptation best be realized? Sub-topics, among others: the relationship between national policy and multilateral action; approaches to increasing mitigation ambition over time.
Speakers: Kelly Sims Gallagher (Tufts Fletcher School)
Daniel Bodansky, (Arizona State University)
Ottmar Edenhofer (PIK and MCC Berlin)
Robert Stavins (Harvard Kennedy School)
Possibly one other speaker
Mieke van der Wansem
Trustees of Tufts College (Tufts University)
+1 617 8728099
Emoline Fox
Arizona State University (ASU)
+1 480 9659647
Brigitte Knopf
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
+49 30 3385537200
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
A Common Natural Intangible Heritage: A plataform for ethics and justice on climate change policies With the recent possibility of measuring the state of Earth System became possible to define a "Safe Operating Space of Humankind". We recognize this biogeophysical space as a new object of law, all positive and negative "externalities" could be included in a fair and equitable accountancy system.
Speakers: José Matos Fernandes -Portuguese Environment Minister
Paulo Magalhães - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Nathalie Meusy - co-chair Common Home of Humanity
Donald Brown widener University
Francisco Ferreira - Zero Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável
Catarina Sousa
+351 21 3231543
Iva Pires
Nova University of Lisbon (FCSH-UNL)
+351 91 9505948
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Financing Climate-Resilient and Low Carbon Urban Water & Waste Management in Emerging Cities Address bottlenecks & opportunities for cities & water/wastewater utilities to deliver climate-resilient, low-carbon infrastructure. Present tools & instruments to develop a project pipeline for such investments, including creditworthiness initiatives, climate bonds & performance-related contracting
Speakers: Tom Williams, IWA; Gary Crawford, ISWA & Veolia; Jorge Wolpert, Ministry of Urban Development, Mexico; Tadashi Matsumoto, OECD; Steven Schonberger, World Bank; Jorge Gastelumendi, the Nature Conservancy; Lance Pierce, Carbon Disclosure Project; Lorenz Petersen, GIZ; Andrea Fernandez, C40
Lisa Andrews
International Water Association (IWA)
+31 7 3155775
Dominique Haleva
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
+33 1 45248283
Kata Tisza
International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)
+36 70 2910068
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Filling the Pipeline: Developing projects that mobilize climate finance A shortage of financeable projects is a barrier to increasing investments. This event will present public-private initiatives that provide support for expanding the global project pipeline. Experience will cover both broad-based interventions such as NAMAs and commercially viable investment projects
Speakers: Center for Clean Air Policy, UNDP, the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate, The Mexican Government, Green Infrastructure Investment Coalition, OECD, IDB, Climate Market and Investment Association.
Paolo Cozzi
Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP)
+202 305 8581
Anita Valentin
+45 33 923851
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Capitalizing on water for successful NDC implementation Advancing a dialogue on the role of water resilience in implementing the NDCs. Showcase opportunities and challenges for successful implementation of NDCs and their articulation with NAP’s, access to climate finance and utilizing support from non-state parties through the GCAA
Speakers: Isabella Lövin, Deputy Prime minister Sweden
Ministers from South Africa, Peru, Morocco,France Kenya, Bangladesh (tbc). Private sector representatives and NGO representatives - NBIM, Suez, ICLEI, WaterAid, UNECE, WHO, GCF and the World Bank
Karin Lexén
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
+46 8 12136050
Zsuzsanna Ivanyi
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
+36 20 5532639
Susanne Skyllerstedt
Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO)
+94 76 3952565
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Intergenerational Equity and Youth Empowerment: opportunities of cooperation between Youth & Parties An effective cooperation between youth and Party delegates ensured the placement of intergenerational equity into the Paris Agreement. How can they work together to implement and operationalize the principle? And how can they further cooperate in raising youth empowerment in their own countries?
Speakers: H.E. Galletti-Minister of the Environment, Italy;
H.E. Gutiérrez-Minister of the Environment, Costa Rica (TBC);
H.E. Jumeau-Ambassador, Seychelles;
Brocchieri, Caciagli, Mingrone-ICN;
Lin, Chien, Hsu, Lee-TWYCC;
Damon, Holguin-YOUNGO Focal Points;
Loni-SDSN Youth;
Federico Brocchieri
Italian Climate Network (ICN)
+39 331 9125745
Tze-Luen LIN
Green Club
+1 604 3278693
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Ratcheting up NDCs: Consistent national roadmaps towards the global objective of 1.5C and 2C Based on a collaboration of 18 institutes from Europe, Asia and the Americas, viable strategies for ratcheting up the NDCs, and their implications for sustainable development (SDGs) are presented. Specifically, we compare the effort across key countries, such as the Brazil, India, China and the EU.
Speakers: Keywan Riahi, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Elmar Kriegler, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Niklas Höhne, Wageningen Uni.; Volker Krey, IIASA; Ritu Mathur, The Energy and Resources Institute; Roberto Schaeffer, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Susan Riley
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
+43 2236 807536
Manish Kumar Shrivastava
Griha Council
+91 98 91884894
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Argentina NDC review process. We will present information regarding the national process developed to review our national contribution. During the last year, Argentina committed to review the national contribution in order to make it more precise and realistic.
Speakers: Argentina. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
From science to services: improving climate resilience in Africa How can Africa increase its resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to climate extremes? This event will look at how innovative climate science and services can help people across a diverse range of African contexts to manage climate risks.
Speakers: Professor Richard Jones, Claire Scannell (Met Office Hadley Centre), Abebe Tadege (ICPAC), Raffaello Cervigni (World Bank), Fiona Percy (CARE International) Dr. Arame Tall (WMO), Chair: Stefan Raubenheimer (SouthSouthNorth)
Fiona Carroll
Met Office Hadley Center
+44 1392 884240
Jean-Pierre Roux
SouthSouthNorth Projects Africa (SSN Africa)
+27 21 4470211
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Engaging Researchers in Capacity Building The RINGOs and their colleagues provide a rich network of researchers, practitioners, and educators who can contribute skills and knowledge to climate-related policies and projects. By working together, we can solve problems and build the capacities of all participants.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
SDG8: A just transition towards a low-carbon and inclusive green economy This event will provide a platform for governments, enterprises, workers, communities and United Nations agencies to discuss opportunities and challenges, review economic and social policies, and share good practices in managing a just transition towards low-carbon, inclusive green economies.
Moustapha Kamal Gueye
United Nations
+41 79 5931328
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Palestine as a sensitive climatic zone. Different studies conducted in Palestine in recent years, which have showed that Palestine has been observing clear changes and fluctuations in climate.
and discuss the most important data at this level: temperatures, sea level and precipitation.
Speakers: Yousef Habache, Directeur, Comité pour le Développement et le Patrimoine (CDP)
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Small panel: How to strengthen the role of young people in implementing the NDCs at national level following the Paris Agreement. There will be three speakers and a moderator who will engage with the audience in an interactive discussion on the theme, including Q & A as well.
Speakers: Association Actions Vitales pour le Développement durable (AVD)
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Presentation: "Low Carbon Solutions for Cities". This activity intends to present several cases on how cities in China adapt to climate changes issues and transfer to low carbon economy.
Speakers: Qianshu Education
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Thu, 17 Nov 2016 |
Addressing Loss and Damage in Developing Countries: Need for Global Agricultural Insurance Mechanism Agriculture sector in developing countries suffers the maximum loss and damage due to climate impacts. Therefore, a global agricultural insurance mechanism serves as an important tool to address loss and damage due to climate impacts in developing countries within the UNFCCC network.
Speakers: 1. Chandra Bhushan (India)
2. R.R Rashmi (Additional Secretary, India)
3. Minister of Environment, EL Salvador
4. General Secretary, Act ALliance
Vijeta Rattani
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
+91 7 9818859987
Isaiah Toroitich
ACT Alliance - Action by Churches Together (ACT Alliance)
+41 798 257899
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Sustainable development and environmental integrity in post-2020 mechanisms Gold Standard and Wuppertal Institute explore the opportunities within the Paris Agreement to raise ambition for sustainable development and ensure environmental integrity in order to identify the most effective pathways for both within post 2020 market mechanisms.
Speakers: Marion Verles, Gold Standard; Wolfgang Obergassel, Lukas Hermwille, Christof Arens and Nico Kreibich of Wuppertal Institute, Karen Olsen, UNEP-DTU; Sven Harmeling, CARE International; Lambert Schneider, Stockholm Environment Institute
Sarah Leugers
The Gold Standard Foundation (GSF)
+41 79 8969652
Nicolas Kreibich
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
+49 202 2492194
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Business Perspectives on implementing Paris Agreement: Role of Business in INDCs and 5-Year Cycles Business will provide perspectives on interactions with domestic governments in the formulation of initial and future INDCs and ways that business can inform the 5-year cycle of reports, reviews, strengthening and renewal of INDCs and the global stocktake of implications for long-term progress.
Speakers: Business representatives from developed and developing countries, academics, and respondents from national delegations.
Norine Kennedy
United States Council for International Business (USCIB)
+1 917 3990533
Jessica Britte
+32 2 2376543
Stephen Eule
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America
+1 202 4635654
Tanyeli Behic Sabuncu
Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD)
+90 212 2491929
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Supporting NDCs implementation in Republic of Serbia – the role of CSOs and local communities Aiming to start with supporting the implementation of NDCs, the Government of Serbia decided to focus the activities to local level in cooperation with NGOs and CSOs using innovative approach that will assist local communities to monitor, plan and implement various climate smart solutions.
Speakers: Ms. Stana Bozovic, State Secretary
Ms. Danijela Bozanic, National Focal Point
Mr. Mirko Popovic, Belgrade Open School
Mr. Miroslav Tadic, UNDP
Ana Repac
+381 11 2603736
Mirko Popović
Belgrade Open School (BOS)
+381 11 3061372
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Synergizing international climate finance, market mechanisms and philanthropy Combining climate finance with revenues from market mechanisms, or using credits from mechanisms as proof of results for climate finance, and identifying the role of philanthropy within climate finance are crucial elements to harness mitigation consistent with the ambition of the Paris Agreement.
Speakers: Country representatives, GCF board members, members of philanthropic foundations and regulators discuss ways forward to maximize synergies.
Cathrin Arenz
University of Zurich (UZH)
+4 761 59033823
Sven Braden
+42 3236 6196
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Trust and peacebuilding approaches for ambitious climate action How transitional justice and 'rights based' approaches, alongside faith based and ethical perspectives, can help address challenges as complex as historically rooted justice conflict, natural resource management, and ecological, humanitarian and spiritual crises exacerbated by climate change.
Speakers: Sonja Klinsky, Assistant Professor, Arizona State University
Lindsey Fielder Cook, Representative for Climate Change, Quaker United Nations Office
Ambassador Jayanti Kirpalani, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Henrik Grape, Church of Sweden
Joy Kennedy, World Council of Churches
Lindsey Cook
Friends World Committee for Consultation
+49 179 5918510
Elias Abramides
World Council of Churches (WCC)
+54 11 47950741
Sonja Ohlsson
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU)
+45 30 230738
Shelley Tanenbaum
Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW)
+1 510 9262728
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Palestinian Main Achievements between Accession on 17 March 2016 and COP22 and Future Ambition Shedding light on exceptional achievements done by State of Palestine in the period between accession to convention on 17 March 2016 and COP22. on different fronts. Adaptation, Mitigation,NDC, Signing and ratifying Paris agreement among others.In addition to flag ambitious future plans .
Speakers: Adalah Atira, Chairman, EQA,Palestine
Rima Khalaf, Under UNSG, Executive Secretary,ESCWA
Lars Ronnås, CC Ambassador,Sweden
Peter Wittoeck, Head of Delegation,Belgium
Rima Abu Middain, Team Leader,UNDP/PAPP
Nedal Katbeh, EQA,Palestine
Mahmoud Abu Ebeid, Climate Change Advisor,RICARDO AEA
Nedal Katbehbader
State of Palestine
+970 599 201541
Otto Simonett
ZOI Environment Network (ZOI)
+41 22 9178342
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities This event will present best practices across E.U. and U.S. cities for integrating policies using a stakeholder-centered approach, building on the projects Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow (POCACITO), and Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network (ELEEP).
Speakers: Keynote by Bärbel Höhn (Green Party, MP German Bundestag, Chair of the Committee on the Environment) followed by a panel discussion with Tüzcin Baycan (Istanbul Technical University), Anne Jensen (Aarhus University) and Axum Teferra (Boston MAPC), moderated by Max Grünig (Ecologic Institute)
Andreas Graf
Ecologic Institute
+49 30 86880183
Andreas Graf
Foundation Environment - Law Society (FURG)
+49 30 86880183
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Book Presentation: Low-Carbon Energy Security from a European Perspective With insights from a series of novel European energy project case studies, this timely book tackles themes such as climate change and energy security, energy security in a time of shifting geopolitical alliances, and the influence of large-scale renewable energy projects.
Speakers: Max Grünig, President of Ecologic Institute US.
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
COP22 release of the WBA Global Bioenergy Statistics 2016 report The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to announce the COP22 release of the WBA Global Bioenergy Statistics 2016 report. The report is one of its kind with detailed information on the development of bioenergy in the global, continental and regional level.
Speakers: World Bioenergy Association
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Online Tools and Open Innovation to Accelerate Implementation of the Paris Agreement Goals Are you an innovator? A problem-solver? A thinker, a tinkerer? Join the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other solvers to develop and help advance high-impact solutions to one of the world’s greatest challenges: climate change.
Speakers: Laur Hesse Fisher, Climate CoLab Project Manager, Jennifer Perron, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Capital Markets’ Role In Greening The Economy At over $60 billion of issuance year to date, the green bond market, a bellwether for climate finance, has grown at an impressive rate. Yet much more needs to be done to meet climate targets, especially in the area of green infrastructure investment.
Speakers: Standards and Poor
Mini Side Event
Climate Change Studio
+49 228 815
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Presentation and debate Presentation and debate
Speakers: Sauvons Le Climat
UNFCCC Oases Akka and Figuig
Oases Akka and Figuig
+4 228 8151850
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 |
Theme |
Organizer |
Attachments |
The exhibit will showcase publications, posters, IEC material and other audio-visual material related to climate change impacts/agriculture/mitigation and adaptation/best practices/global/regional/national and sub national policies and efforts of the organization in the field of climate change. |
Sharad Joshi
Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society (CECOEDECON)
+91 98290 59202
Ajay Kumar Jha
PAIRVI Associates (PAIRVI)
+91 97177 71255
MCII & Climate Analytics support policy makers, practitioners and researchers on topics incl climate science, -policy & -impacts; Adaptation; Loss & Damage. The exhibit features interdisciplinary expertise, different project results, guidelines for implementing climate risk management incl insurance |
Michael Zissener
Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)
+49 228 8150249
Lorraine Brindel-Schild
Climate Analytics GmbH
+49 30 259229520
ENERGIES 2050 – France and NEO – Nepal in partnership with several LDC NGOs and international partners will showcase ongoing innovative adaptation and mitigation activities and solutions from projects in more than 20 countries to help them developing their Nationally Determined Contributions. |
Energies 2050 (Energies 2050)
+33 6 80319189
Padam Hamal
Neighbour Organization Nepal (NEO-Nepal)
+977 1 5551735
Display TWN updates on the ongoing negotiations, & reference papers |
Yvonne Miller Berlie
Third World Network (TWN)
+41 78 8929203
Mariama Williams
South Centre
+41 22 7918050
The exhibit will provide examples of action taken by the rail sector to demonstrate commitment of non-state actors to reaching the new and ambitious Paris Agreement. |
Marie-Luz Philippe
International Union of Railways (UIC)
+33 1 44492093
Philip Turner
International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
+32 477 580655
shared stand by European Investment Bank and European Commission: working towards the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, the European Union will present the actions taken to fight climate change at EU and international level. |
Julia de Graaf
European Investment Bank (EIB)
+352 691 286275
Marie Bondu
European Union
+32 2 2984591
The German Federal Government, together with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), displays material on Germany's international cooperation with developing countries and emerging economies in the realm of climate Change |
Kathrin Aldema-Bolz
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
+49 6196 793375
Steffi Richter
+49 30 183052362
This booth will be used to display the wide range of issues that Nature Code/Carbon Market Watch is working on. Information will be shared especially on carbon markets- covering the CDM as well as the future market regime, including elements on sustainable development, human rights and safeguards. |
Juliane Voigt
Carbon Market Watch (CMW)
+32 2 3353663
IPCC Reports and documentation |
Carlos Martin-Novella
WMO/UNEP Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
+41 0 797088699
"From NAPA to LAPA to NAP": Nepal is localizing climate adaptation by implementing NAPA prioritized actions and is formulating NAP building on the experiences, lessons learned and good practices of NAPA and LAPA (local adaptation plan for action) and other climate resilient programs. |
Naresh Sharma
+977 1 5200575
Bhaskar Karky
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
+977 1 5003310
China’s situation and policy on climate change after Paris Agreement |
Alun Gu
Tsinghua University, Global Climate Change Institute (GCCI)
+86 10 62794098
Climate Alliance’s exhibition will feature best practices from its member municipalities as well as flagship projects on climate action led by the association. With over 1,700 members, Climate Alliance is the largest city network dedicated to climate action and the only one to set tangible targets. |
Pirita Lindholm
Climate Alliance (Klima-Bündnis)
+32 2 4001061
Science to action, PDCA and monitoring of CO2 reduction are important for accelerating low carbon action. This side event highlights the implementation of low carbon action plan and PDCA through building energy reporting system and built environment efficiency assessment in Malaysian cities. |
Loon Wai Chau
University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)
+60 12 2986302
Wuppertal Institute and the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) will present their publications in the field of climate and energy, including future regime options, climate finance, emissions trading, technology cooperation, and the role of cities in the transformation. |
Nicolas Kreibich
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
+49 202 2492194
Astrid Schulz
German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
+49 30 2639480
IPAM is a scientific NGO that for more than 20 years has been working for the sustainable development of the Amazon.
We will present studies regarding the importance of forest in mitigation; initiatives to implement actions to reduce deforestation; and adaptation actions with indigenous people. |
Fernanda Bortolotto
Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
+55 61 996811664
Nuclear power is a low carbon form of electricity generation that supplies 11% of the world's electricity. NuclearforClimate is an initiative bringing together nuclear societies and associations committed to tackling climate change. |
Jonathan Cobb
World Nuclear Association (WNA)
+44 20 74511536
Experiences advancing climate-smart actions within the land use sector will be shared through case studies, videos and other communications on topics like certification, adaptation, REDD+ and capacity building for indigenous communities, women & youth, governments and the business sector. |
Jeffrey Hayward
Rainforest Alliance (RA)
+1 202 2947008
International Energy Agency: energy data, analysis, and publications |
Caroline Lee
International Energy Agency (IEA)
+33 1 40576533
,L’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) compte exposer au cours de la COP22 toute la documentions produite par ses directions, notamment le Guide des Négociations, le Résumé à l’intention des décideurs, le Guide sur les finances climat,le vocabulaire du développement durable,le BNT.. |
Arona Soumare
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF/IFDD)
+1 581 9897000
Water Around the World: Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UC San Diego reveals new observational technologies that help governments monitor changes in the hydrological cycle. Networked instruments show water changing in a warming world, disrupting supply of water resources essential to human life. |
Robert Monroe
University of California
+1 858 9991738
Joint exhibition: How shifts in consciousness and systemic thinking open doors to technologies and sustainable lifestyles grounded in integrity and care. And documents supporting respect for the fulfillment of all the principles of the UNFCCC towards achieving climate justice, leaving no one behind. |
Sonja Ohlsson
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU)
+45 30 230738
Oluwole Oshota
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations (ISMUN)
+1 404 4521338
CILSS would like to show its materials of communication (posters, brochures, kakemonos, etc) related with adaptation, mainstreaming and building capacities to control the climate change in the Sahel and West Africa. |
DIEYE Papa Oumar
Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel (CILSS)
+227 227 20315316
SEI, an independent international research institute, will present research and analysis on climate finance, including private-sector finance, linkages to development, and loss & damage, as well as work on fossil fuel supply, short-lived climate pollutants, carbon markets, cities and adaptation. |
Marion Davis
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
+1 781 6545160
Alexandra Carr
Climate Strategies
+44 20 3196659
The exhibition will expose with images and case studies the beneficts, advantages and importance of the conservation of high altitude mountain ecosystems (like pastures and wetlands) in adaptation and carbon storage in order to fight climate change. |
Eric Chavez Betancourt
Asociación Civil Oikos (OIKOS)
+51 1 4617428
The new Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland's mission is to inform global, national, and local discussions on climate, energy, economic development, and sustainability; it will establish a point of interaction of our leading research climate agenda. |
University of Maryland (UMCP)
+1 301 4053032
The Nordic Council of Ministers presents a wide range of projects and results from the Nordic region under the heading "New Nordic Climate Solutions". |
Outi Leskelä
Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
+358 2952 50161
Ash Sharma
Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO)
+358 400 811327
Elin Blomqvist
Nordic Development Fund (NDF)
+358 50 5784757
A free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be launched, on the Impacts of Climate and Global Change in Latin America. The MOOC promotes SDGs, has been done by IAI in collaboration with and participation from UNFCCC Christiana Figueres, UNCBD Braulio Dias, IPCC, CAF. |
Ione Anderson
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
+59 8 26060126
Smart, accelerated MRV capacity building solutions include a need for training worldwide. Here we showcase globally available, online carbon management curriculum, including the IPCC Guidelines course-series, the preeminent training required to transparently report NDCs under the Paris Agreement. |
Molly White
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI)
+1 406 3965490
John Niles
Tropical Forest Group (TFG)
+1 805 2526777
Young RINGOs - Research, Education, and Capacity.
This exhibit will serve as a hub for young researchers to connect with one another and with COP delegates and will highlight the climate research, educational outreach and support being done by students at universities worldwide. |
Beth Martin
Washington University
+11 314 4025718
CIFOR is a nonprofit, global research facility dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation and equity. Our work includes research into ways to incorporate forests into policies and practices aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change. |
Levania Santoso
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
+62 251 8622622
Veronique De Sy
Stichting Wageningen Research (WR)
+31 317 481915
GEF to showcase publications, case studies, with clients and other stakeholders. |
Monica Fernandes
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
+1 703 3047264
Information related to support to mitigation activities from the Japanese government will be distributed. |
Jiro Ogahara
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)
+81 3 54720144
REN-Alliance members (International Hydropower Association, International Geothermal Association, International Solar Energy Society, World Bioenergy Association, World Wind Energy Association) will demonstrate how high penetrations of variable renewables can provide a sustainable energy supply. |
Bharadwaj Kummamuru Venkata
World Bioenergy Association (WBA)
+4 76 7159785
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) will be showcasing its educational materials including videos, comic books, policy papers and training manual on climate change adaptation and mitigation. The publications on the rights of indigenous peoples will also be displayed in the Exhibit. |
Lakpa Nuri Sherpa
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact Foundation (AIPP)
+66 82 3852369
Better building in Africa: the Nubian Vault, an appropriate housing solution, through a market-based methodology, allowing green jobs creation and better living and economic conditions for the BOP, while contributing the climate change adapatation and mitigation in West Africa |
Cécilia Rinaudo
Association La Voûte Nubienne (AVN)
+0 33 686417181
GGGI and ODI will co-convene an exhibit which showcases both organisation’s high quality research, analysis and debate on themes including green growth, low carbon transitions, climate finance and provide a platform for dialogue with partners to put green growth at the heart of economic planning. |
Graham Banton
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
+44 207 9220431
Yoon Suk Choi
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
+82 10 95301149
Trade unions and climate change: time for a Just Transition |
Anabella Rosemberg
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
+33 1 55373737
CO2 Capture & Storage (CCS) is needed to meet the Paris Agreement targets: the organisers and key bodies (IEAGHG, SANEDI, GCCC, CCS Knowledge Center, etc.) with research, technical and knowledge-sharing expertise will explain how, why and where CCS can be carried out, backed up by real life examples |
Ton Wildenborg
CO2GeoNet - The European Network of Excellence on Geological Storage of CO2 (CO2GeoNet)
+31 0 622518935
Katherine Romanak
University of Texas at Austin
+1 512 5653762
Judith Shapiro
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
+44 20 30318750
‘Cultural heritage around the world is at risk from climate change. INTO, some members and other organisations, will give examples of how they are mitigating and adapting to the worst effects and showing how cultural heritage is a source of resiliency and part of the solution to climate change’. |
Oliver Maurice
International National Trusts Organisation (INTO)
+33 475 506469
Accelerating Implementation of the Paris Agreement: Keep the Promise! The Exhibit would involve various publications, articles and newsletters on the Paris Agreement and the place of Youth in the emerging new sustainable development strategies, options and alternatives. |
Mchael Nwafejoku
International Foundation for African Children (IFAC)
+234 803 7873061
Documents and visuals that feature learnings from 100% Renewable Energy cities, islands and countries. Material demonstrate how renewable energy are, and can help countries meet the 1.5C target. |
Filippo Boselli
World Future Council (WFC)
+49 403 7091429
Laura Williamson
Renewable Energy Policy Network (REN21)
+33 6 3060258
C2ES, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advancing strong policy and action to address climate change, will showcase its most recent policy analysis, publications, and reports, covering US and international issues in climate change, energy, and business resilience. |
Jennifer Huang
Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
+1 703 5160638
Christian Aid is leading ACT Now for Climate Justice Campaign for a shift to renewable energy and achieving energy for all. In Marrakesh, we will be promoting the evidence from our campaign for the case for a Big Shift to renewable energy, as well as distributing our reports and campaign information |
Mohamed Adow
Christian Aid (CA)
+44 20 75232278
Isaiah Toroitich
ACT Alliance - Action by Churches Together (ACT Alliance)
+41 798 257899
Researchers from the University of Zurich will present their latest research findings on international climate negotiations, NDC implementation, climate finance and carbon markets. |
Cathrin Arenz
University of Zurich (UZH)
+4 761 59033823
INFORSE a network of 170 NGOs worldwide. AIWC has 500+ branches in India. INSEDA has 30 NGO members in India. Folkecenter a research, demonstration, training center in Denmark. Focus: Eco-village development in S.Asia: Nepal,India,Sri Lanka, Bangladesh. Gender&climate. 100% RE Scenarios in UK and |
Gunnar Olesen Boye
International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
+45 86 227000
Usha Nair
All India Women's Conference (AIWC)
+91 11 9968284746
Raymond Myles
Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association (INSEDA)
+91 91 9212014905
The ICSE is a coalition of clean energy, clean building material and energy efficiency companies from the US, Australia and Europe. These technology solutions will help countries to meet NDC mitigation targets, diversify their energy portfolio and increase communities’ resilience. |
Lisa Jacobson
International Council for Sustainable Energy (ICSE)
+1 202 7850507
Kolja Kuse
European Business Council for Sustainable Energy (e5)
+49 89 9295422
The ECOWAS Commission will display and showcase some initiatives done in West African region on climate change over the duration of the COP. This will be a common initiative with its specialized agencies like Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food, ECREEE, Water Resources Coordination Center. |
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
+234 818 136919
The exhibit would feature multimedia informational resources (research, policy recommendations, video documentaries) from Brighter Green and partners on the climate, land use and multiple environmental impacts of large-scale animal agriculture and alternatives with case studies from global South. |
Mia MacDonald
Brighter Green, Inc.
+1 917 6268702
Kenneth Nana Amoateng
Abibimman Foundation (AF)
+233 24 4023651
Martin Zerfas
Humane Society International (HSI)
+1 202 7786137
Mitigating the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations and Eliminating racial discrimination in the implementation of projects and programs related to renewable energy in Africa |
Ibrahim mfondoun mbamoko
Carre Geo & Environnement (CGE)
+237 6 99740046
The exhibition will feature the good, the bad and the evil of supporting climate action and resilience in the land use sector. |
Simone Lovera
Global Forest Coalition (GFC)
+595 981 407375
Andrey Laletin
Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Ecological Movement "Friends of the Siberian Forests" (FSF)
+7 950 4351945
From Paris to Marrakesh: What is at stake for Africa? |
Sam Ogallah
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)
+254 20 736842628
Tzu Chi Foundation & Earth Savers UNESCO artist for peace showcase creative efforts to defy the changing climate from images of the plight of climate refugees to innovations that assist the climate-affected towards global decarbonization for a culture of sustainable development and peace. |
Jimmy Yang
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
+1 626 5860522
Resurreccion Marinas
Earth Savers Movement (ESM)
+63 2 9189302066
This will highlight the ongoing work of Tebtebba & the Indigenous Peoples' Global Partnership on Climate Change, Forests and Sustainable Development in building climate resilient indigenous communities and capacitating indigenous peoples on climate change, REDD+, adaptation and mitigation. |
Raymond de Chavez
Tebtebba Foundation
+63 74 9175072789
Contributions of Japanese earth observation satellites to Climate Change monitoring, prediction, assessment, and adaptation |
Masatoshi Kamei
Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC)
+81 3 64356782
Bangladesh Pavilion: Bangladesh would like to share the initiatives undertaken by the government on adaptation and mitigation. Specific focus will be on policy initiatives including institutional and National Funding initiatives undertaken by the government. |
Mirza Shawkat Ali
+88 2 8181797
Mieke van der Wansem
Trustees of Tufts College (Tufts University)
+1 617 8728099
IIED is an independent research institute, providing expertise and leadership in building a fairer and more sustainable world. Collaborating with partners to address the challenges of climate change we lead the way on policy, adaptation and resilience. |
Samuel Greene
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
+44 203 4637378
Communication in many forms and venues is essential to implementing sound climate change policies. IECA emphasizes research and teaching related to ACE/Article 6 - education, outreach, training, and public participation as well as facets of the Paris Agreement. |
Gregg Walker
International Environmental Communication Association (IECA)
+1 541 7404050
Gregg Walker
Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI)
+1 541 7404050
Exhibiting gender just solutions and women's climate change response initiatives from around the world. |
Titilope Akosa
Centre for 21st Century Issues (C21st)
+234 1 8023047678
Russia’s Contribution to Sustainable Development |
Alexander Frolov
Russian Federation
+7 499 7952405
Andrey Stetsenko
NGO Center for Environmental Innovation (NGO CEI)
+7 926 9110514
Exhibition booth for the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs). Exhibition materials devoted to the CCAC work in general, aimed at showcasing multiple benefits from mitigating SLCPs. |
Kathleen Mar
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
+49 152 37313229
Ange-Benjamin Brida
Côte d'Ivoire
+225 0 554330746
Katie Fletcher
Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD)
+1 202 3381300
Stephen Van Maren
Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy
+1 703 5164118
Stephen Van Maren
International Climate Change Partnership (ICCP)
+1 510 3903372
The exhibit will showcase research and implementation of climate actions by TERI through disseminating policy briefs, electronic display devices, posters etc. |
Manish Shrivastava
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
+91 98918 84894
Manish Kumar Shrivastava
Griha Council
+91 98 91884894
Farmers' role in building Climate Smart Agriculture through Scientific Agriculture,Soil Health,Water Harvesting,Micro Irrigation.It showcases approaches & capacity support to strengthen citizens’ role in implementing INDCs at national level & promotes best practices-Haiti to tackle climate change. |
Kirit Shelat
National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership (NCCSD)
+91 990 4404393
Edna Blanc Civil
+1 514 3815857
Jean Paul Brice Affana Affana
Association Actions Vitales Pour Le Développement Durable (AVD)
+49 49 1745741098
Our ocean under rapid change from rising CO2: impacts, actions and opportunities - connecting science, industry, policy and public. Plymouth Marine Laboratory, OA-International Coordination Centre and BIOACID bring together understanding of threats from ocean acidification, deoxygenation and warming |
Thecla Keizer
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
+44 7818 402632
Pamela Pearson
International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI)
+1 802 4880991
le Stand de la Mauritanie vise à mettre en exergue la vulnérabilité de nos écosystèmes et les efforts du pays en matière d'adaptation et de lutte contre la désertification et les incursions marines en plus de notre effort en matière d’énergies renouvelables |
EL WAVI Sidi Mohamed
+222 4 6008383
Emmanuel SECK
Environnement et Developpement du Tiers-Monde (ENDA-TM)
+221 33 8222496
The exhibit will present Moroccan biodiversity (richness, societal importance, conservation status, ...), museum specimens of endangered species of flora and fauna of Morocco, scientific books related to CC edited by the Scientific Institute and awareness and education of public |
mohammed Fekhaoui
Institut Scientifique
+212 66 1093150
The exhibit will showcase the CISDL's innovative research on climate change law & governance & sustainable development, including new research on implementation of the Paris Agreement. |
Patrick Reynaud
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL)
+1 416 8657632
The role of farming in implementing the Paris Agreement. Farmers are on the frontline of climate change.They can be part of the solution, through efficient climate-smart agriculture. Agriculture, food systems and climate change are interlinked. This link is unique and deserves proper recognition. |
Giacomo Udugbor
World Farmers' Organisation (WFO)
+39 6 42741158
ESA will inform on its activities to monitor systematically changes in our climate and environment from space. From regional efforts supporting REDD+ to global observation of Essential Climate Variables, Earth Observation will be exposed as a feasible and practical tool to understand climate change. |
Frank Martin Seifert
European Space Agency (ESA)
+390 6 94180560
Through research, dialogues and reporting on the climate change and trade linkages, ICTSD advances analytical capacity, supports interaction among policymakers, experts and industry, and builds cross-disciplinary understanding to enable effective solutions in the climate and trade policy processes. |
Sonja Hawkins
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
+41 22 9178816
Edwin Vasquez
Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)
+593 9 81510953
GERES sees its mission as helping to preserve the environment, reduce fuel poverty and improve living conditions worldwide. This exhibit would allow us to present and raise awareness to decision makers on our solutions to fight against climate changes and its consequences. |
+33 0 6234911327
The Adaptation Fund showcases adaptation projects in developing countries and shares implementing entity experiences on the Direct Access modality. The exhibit also includes the winning photos of the AF Photo Contest that tell the story of adaptation on coastal regions and watersheds. |
Anni Rein
Adaptation Fund Board (AFB)
+1 831 3462953
Oceans Day at COP 22 and Implementing a Strategic Action Plan on Oceans and Climate 2016 to 2021 |
Miriam Balgos
International Coastal and Ocean Organization (ICO)
+1 302 7539800
Manuel CIRA
World Ocean Network (WON)
+33 0 321309993
Serving the world population with adequate drinking water and sanitation is an important prerequisite, not only to hygienic safety, but to prosperity and political stability as well, and will foster the adaptive capacity of the societies in the developing countries |
Farida Djaouida Serrij Meziani
Responding to Climate Change (RTCC)
+44 207 7992222
Wan-Ting Hsu
Taiwan Research Institute (TRI)
+886 2 88095688
A platform to showcase a variety of tools which have been created to translate, track and transform climate policy to be gender-responsive. Will include inputs from women around the world, an interactive mobile app and a 'theme of the day". |
Bridget Burns
Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
+1 914 3103270
Anne Barre
Women Engage for a Common Future - International Foundation (WECF International) (WECF)
+49 89 232393818
The exhibition booth will be organized by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and will include key materials from CGIAR centers and programs. |
Carolina Jaramillo
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
+57 2 4450000
Morgane Berenguer
CGIAR System Organization (CGIAR)
+33 4 67047533
The GCF aims to share information with stakeholders and participants regarding its state of affairs, information on accreditation and funding proposal processes, and its future work plans. |
Rouna A
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
+82 32 4586043
At this exhibit innovative institution building, resource mobilization & technology facilitation initiatives in support of youth climate action will be presented. |
Miroslav Polzer
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)
+43 664 4203648
LEAD Pakistan hosts an exhibit showcasing our diverse projects on Low Carbon Development across Asia. Our portfolio includes pioneering work on development of INDC and NAMA in Asian countries. We are also leading a private sector partnership to establish low carbon emission scenarios for Pakistan. |
Umama Binte Azhar
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD Pakistan)
+92 15 2651511
IFRC and Moroccan Red Crescent will exhibit the Information Education and Communication materials- case studies, publications, program tools, images and videos highlighting the best practices of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Use of paper copies is minimized by soft copies and web links. |
VIktoriya Chuikina
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
+41 22 7304455
The exhibit focuses on Japan’s space projects for greenhouse gas monitoring: GOSAT is continuously measuring global GHGs from space since April 2009, and GOSAT-2 to be launched in FY2017. The latest scientific findings on global and regional carbon cycle from GOSAT data are presented. |
Junichi Fujino
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
+81 90 26254682
Disaster management in Africa & S. Asia - with focus on climate impacts, trends, forecasting and projections, early warning and disaster management for transforming and managing risks and opportunities for agricultural production, disease surveillance, and water resource management. |
Rosalind Cornforth
University of Reading
+44 118 3787392
Sonia Abassi
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS)
+216 71 71205633
Exhibit shall Showcase Climate solutions at the grassroots from the perspective of Sustainable Development. Publications and videos sharing actions taken across on Adaptation and resilience building, community based decentralized technologies, Climate Education will be shared |
Nafisa DSouza
+91 891 6539729
Sheila Benjamin
South Central India Network for Development Alternatives (SCINDeA)
+91 4171 245339
Sreedhar Ramamurthi
Academy for Mountain Environics (AME)
+91 98107 6244
The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a worldwide network of over 1100 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in more than 120 countries, working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. |
Gillian Nelson
Climate Action Network International (CAN International)
+33 6 699438344
Manyara Angeline Munzara
World Vision International (WVI)
+27 11 724448657
Crispino Lobo
Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)
+91 20 24226211
Indigenous peoples in East Africa are organized in national and international networks to promote their rights and roles and to contribute to the efforts to combat climate change. This side event exhibits the work and results of the networks. |
Kathrin Wessendorf
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)
+45 53 732835
This exhibition shares cases and materials of the realization and implementation of article.12 of Paris Agreement and Art. 6 of UNFCCC related to education, training and public awareness. From the public and private sectors, eg. www.TEED.org.tw . Especially on innovation, technology and adaptation. |
Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF)
+886 2 23211155
La culture du savoir faire traditionnel du réseau femmes solidaires |
Jamila Garmouma
Fédération des Ligues des Droits des Femmes (FLDF)
+212 6 66953037
Creating Carbon Negative and Climate Resilient Ecovillages & Communities in Africa and around the World. Creating electrical cities and agroecological parks. Defining Principles. Guidelines and indicators for future relationship between cities, urban agroecology, bioeconomy and climate change |
Massimo Pieri
COBASE, Cooperativa Tecnico Scientifica di Base (ECOSOC)
+39 6 3330078
Rob Wheeler
Global Ecovillage Network (GEN - International)
+33 752 81234
Valentina Jappelli
Gherush92 Committee for Human Rights (Gherush92)
+39 338 6787009
ITDP and its partners at the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport have been very active promoting work in the Transport and Mobility Sector. The exhibit will highlight the collective work in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies and publications of the last few years on the topic. |
Ramon Cruz
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
+1 646 2506671
Showcasing CDKN’s latest tools and reports designed to support South-South learning, developing country efforts to implement the climate Paris Agreement, accessing climate finance; addressing New Urban Agenda; integrating gender; and mainstreaming climate compatible development. |
Jebi Rahman
Leadership for Environment and Development International (LEAD International)
+44 7930 527767
Claire Mathieson
SouthSouthNorth Projects Africa (SSN Africa)
+27 21 4470211
We will elucidate the critical issues regarding Japan’s environmental and energy policies, which we evaluate are against the Paris Agreement. We will present our simulation results that it is feasible for Japan to cut 40% of CO2 emissions, using CASA’s own simulation model with macroeconomic model. |
Michiyo Tsuchida
Citizens Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA)
+81 6 669106301
With over 140 researchers addressing climate change, Cornell University is the Green Ivy League and Land Grant University to the World. The exhibit will present our state-of-the-art research, education, and outreach programs that help people and communities thrive in a rapidly changing world. |
Allison Chatrchyan
Cornell University
+1 845 2354765
Climate Interactive offers interactive analysis of climate commitments, demonstrations of decision-support simulations for negotiators, and interactive exercises for participants to engage in systems thinking around climate. |
Eleanor Johnston
New Venture Fund (NVF)
+1 336 2028907
This exhibit will showcase solutions for a sustainable future – moving the conversation forward on how a green and inclusive economy improves food and energy security, creates jobs and reduces inequality, at a time when showing the benefits of ambitious climate action is increasingly important. |
Green Cross International (GCI)
+0 4122 7891662
United Nations of Youth Network (UNOY) and SeaTrust Institute showcase youth roles in the Green Economy, SDGs, NDCs, supporting initiatives and success stories of practical action, research, and education including tree planting projects & the inter-generational AWARE family of educational programs |
Prince Goodluck OBI
United Nations of Youth Network (UNOY)
+234 0 8032496411
Lynn Wilson
SeaTrust Institute
+1 360 9613363
This booth will present the activities of the Chair Modeling for sustainable development and its research centers on long-term modeling of energy-climate issues. It will be a place to exchange ideas on the climate policies and their impacts on North/South societies and on the energy systems |
Nadia Maizi
ParisTech (ParisTech)
+33 0 674539235
Christophe Cassen
Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement (CIRED)
+33 6 86539152
CARE International+WWF showcase the need for ambition+the ideas for implementing the Paris Agreement across a range of climate+develop. sectors. Combating climate change is vital to reducing impacts, building resilience for the poorest communities+stopping the degradation of our natural environment |
Mandy Woods
+49 1511 8854162
Sven Harmeling
CARE International (CI)
+49 177 6136431
Photo exhibition in one or two both on how climate induce displacement is being happening, especially with short case stories from Bangladesh and other Countries. |
M Rezaul Karim Chowdhury
Coastal Association for Social Transformation Trust (COAST Trust)
+88 1711 529792
Md. Atiqur Rahman Tipu
Coastal Development Partnership (CDPBD)
+880 1847 91611
To present Saudi Arabia climate change efforts and programs |
Hamoud AlOtaibi
Saudi Arabia
+966 5 3862758
Ahmed Khalil
The Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (PERSGA)
+966 12 42388744
publicaciones relacionadas al proyecto: Organizaciones indígenas y cambio climático |
Cristina Sánchez
Servicios en Comunicación Intercultural (SERVINDI)
+51 1 965976276
Technology Mechanism: building the foundation for sustainable development
The exhibit/booth will showcase the Technology Mechanism’s impact in 2016. CTCN will display new videos and TEC new TT:CLEAR website. Stakeholders may speak to CTCN about receiving technical assistance. |
Asher Lessels
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151357
UN Youth Booth
This booth showcases publications, projects and initiatives by UN agencies and youth organizations, as well as inspirational videos of the global youth video competition on climate change. |
Adriana Valenzuela
Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
+49 228 8151594
IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity. |
Sina Tabrizi
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
+971 50 4461882
Zero hunger:
Food Security under Climate Change |
Brian Thomson
United Nations
+39 36 66121101
Good health and wellbeing – BREATHE LIFE |
Marina Maiero
United Nations
+41 227 912402
Quality education |
Vincens Côté
United Nations
+41 22 9178730
Gender equality |
Yata Mboup Kande
United Nations
+1 646 7814812
Climate Science and Information |
Clare Nullis
United Nations
+41 22 7308478
Energy, Industry, innovation and infrastructure |
Pradeep Monga
United Nations
+43 12 60263018
Financing for Climate |
Darah Aljoudar
United Nations
+1 212 9065381
Decent work and green growth |
Moustapha Kamal Gueye
United Nations
+41 79 5931328
Sustainable cities and communities |
Marcus Mayr
United Nations
+25 420 7625394
The role of oil and gas in addressing climate change. |
Robert Siveter
+44 20 76332378
We would like to provide information about our children and youth organization Plant-for-the-Planet to the delegates. We are giving out our chnage chocolate to them for free for the third time during COP and an exhibit would provide us with the opportunity to give them more information. |
Felix Finkbeiner
Plant for the Planet Foundation (Plant for the Planet)
+49 8808 9345
EAC Environment and Natural Resources and Climate Change Programs: Showcasing Achievements, Lesson Learned and Future Plans to Achieving Sustainable Development. |
Ladislaus Kyaruzi
East African Community (EAC)
+255 767 450226
Participation des acteurs non étatiques des Écosystèmes Désertiques à la mise en oeuvre de l'Accord de Paris et leurs implications dans les Contributions Nationales Déterminées : Échanges d'experiences et de bonnes pratiques en matière d'atténuation et d'adaptation. |
Fondation Deserts du Monde (FDM)
+213 0 657245701
Climate-KIC is a public private partnership addressing climate change via innovation to build zero carbon economy. Our 200+ partners innovate in urban areas, land use, production systems & climate metrics and finance. Education is key to these themes, empowering next generations of climate leaders. |
Andrea Karpati
Association Climate-KIC (CKIC)
+44 77 14051266
We will engage COP22 participants with the latest research and publications from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, publicise the activities and research of Future Earth in Europe, and support the latest release of the annual Global Carbon Budget at COP22. |
Asher Minns
University of East Anglia (UEA)
+0 7880 547843
Lisa Bell
The University of Manchester
+44 161 3063258
Eau et Assainissement
Education |
EZE Credo
Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement (JVE)
+228 90 714281
A Mediterranean ship tour will bring our Climate Heroes to the COP. These everyday people have each chosen a renewable energy pathway towards 100%RE for a more resilient society, presenting testimonies and stories from their own communities, and delivering messages of hope from thousands of people. |
Naomi Goodman
Greenpeace International (GREENPEACE)
+31 6 24941044
Dissemination of IIR publications, services and actions in relation with climate change and refrigeration system as well as the results of research programs in the refrigeration sector along with suggested solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions specified under the Rio Convention. |
Ina Colombo
Institut International du Froid (IIF)
+33 1 42273203
WRI is a global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. |
Simran Singh
World Resources Institute (WRI)
+1 202 7297955
Center for Biological Diversity exhibit will showcase research reports, legal cases and political campaigns fighting to stop dangerous fossil fuel extraction in the U.S. as a way to meet U.S. NDCs and achieve zero-carbon energy future, emphasizing effects on people, species, and public lands. |
Jean Su
Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)
+1 510 8447139
For effective development and implementation of REDD+ in the tropics, this exhibit will share publications/information of ITTO and partners in forest governance, tenure and forest management issues including Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Management of Natural Tropical Forests. |
Hwan-OK Ma
International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
+81 45 2231110
REN-Alliance members (International Hydropower Association, International Geothermal Association, International Solar Energy Society, World Bioenergy Association, World Wind Energy Association) will demonstrate how high penetrations of variable renewables can provide a sustainable energy supply. |
Jennifer McIntosh
International Solar Energy Society e.V. (ISES)
+49 761 4590645
Stefan Gsaenger
World Wind Energy Association (WWEA)
+49 175 9401518
Showcasing initiatives and tools on adaptation and mitigation: from flood risk management to complex local water action planning; from integrated water resources management to hydro renewables. Introducing regional solutions from MENA, SEE, CEE and the way forward to implement and strengthen the PA. |
Zsuzsanna Ivanyi
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
+36 20 5532639
The Global Water Partnership responds to the climate change challenge through the Global Water, Climate and Development Programme. The objective is to support integration of water security and climate resilience in development planning and decision making processes. |
Susanne Skyllerstedt
Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO)
+94 76 3952565
The Global Canopy Programme is a tropical forest think tank working to demonstrate the scientific, political & business case for safeguarding forests as natural capital that underpins water, food, energy, health & climate security for all. To find out more about our work visit www.globalcanopy.org |
Rachel Mountain
Global Canopy (GC)
+44 1865 724333
Key role for responsible management and restoration of freshwater and coastal wetlands in climate change adaptation. |
Marcel Silvius
Wetlands International
+31 318 660924
IETA is a nonprofit business organisation created in 1999 to serve businesses engaged in the new field of carbon markets. Our objective is to build international policy and market frameworks for reducing greenhouse gases at lowest cost. |
Kimberlee McGenerty
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
+1 647 2844777
Exhibit featuring current progress in climate change adaptation research from McGill University, focusing on adaptation tracking (www.trac3.ca), Indigenous health adaptation to climate change (www.ihacc.ca), and other projects by the Climate Change Adaptation Research Group. |
Michelle Maillet
McGill University
+1 514 3984304
The Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership is a nonprofit group of leading electricity companies promoting sustainable development and climate change action. The exhibit will showcase the group’s projects and capacity building workshops implemented worldwide, as well as its scholarship program. |
Caroline Mei
Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership
+1 514 3925642
clean air, clean water, clean energy, clan World, we promise to the future. |
ali özcem kılıç
Carbon Emission (Greenhouse Gas) Reduction and Control Association (KEDKD)
+90 533 4930621
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) will present work on agroforestry and integrated landscape management in the context of sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation, REDD+, NAMA, NAPs and other international, national and subnational interventions and tools |
Henry Neufeldt
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
+254 719 346325
“Implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Africa: Moving from Commitment to Action” |
African Union Commission (AUC)
+251 912 659727
ClimateNet members, experts and researchers will be present to discuss recent research results and developments in international climate negotiations, the Green Climate Fund, climate finance, market mechanisms and NDC implementation. |
Björn Dransfeld
+49 176 72856437
REN-Alliance members (International Hydropower Association, International Geothermal Association, International Solar Energy Society, World Bioenergy Association, World Wind Energy Association) will demonstrate how high penetrations of variable renewables can provide a sustainable energy supply. |
Alex Trembath
International Hydropower Association (IHA)
+44 207 6525229
Business - part of the solution: sharing good practice avenues towards a low carbon and resilient economy. |
Andrea Bacher
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
+33 1 49532848
Antarctica Next Generation
The Princess Elisabeth Antarctica the first Zero Emissions Research Station in Antarctica, was conceived of, designed and built by the International Polar Foundation (IPF). The Station was built at Utsteinen, in the Sor Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica, in 2007-2009. |
Nighat Johnson-Amin
International Polar Foundation (IPF)
+32 475 782348
AfDB and climate solutions - The exhibition will booth with recent climate change publications and outreach materials show casing projects from the African countries that aim at tackling the climate through concrete action, including a green growth and a finance/development perspective |
Balgis Osman Elasha
African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
+216 7110 1494
The OECD exhibit will showcase recent work relevant to addressing climate change, covering a wide range of sectors and policy areas and a variety of countries. The climate-relevant resources available at the OECD are of interest to support policymakers, practitioners and researchers. |
Dominique Haleva
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
+33 1 45248283
Natural Resources Defense Council will host an exhibit which highlights the climate change work done by NRDC – including work in the US, China, India, Latin America and Canada. |
Han Chen
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
+1 813 8139510627
CICERO is Norway’s foremost institute for interdisciplinary climate research. We deliver new insights that help solve the climate challenge. We are in Marrakech to highlight new research findings to key stakeholders to help them forge climate deals. |
Tiina Ruohonen
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO)
+0 47 90983161
As the UNFCCC develops rules for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, Parties should respect human rights in their response to climate change. The exhibit will illustrate how human rights obligations apply in practical terms. |
Katharina Rall
Human Rights Watch, Inc. (HRW)
+33 766 318048
L'action déterminante du secteur privé dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques |
Houda Bouchtia
Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM)
+212 6 63872529
Climate justice approaches to implementing the Paris Agreement. This exhibit will serve as a space for Corporate Accountability International and other climate justice groups to display campaign materials such as flyers, reports, and handouts. |
Jesse Bragg
Corporate Accountability International
+1 617 6952525
Engaging youth in intergenerational collaboration for climate and energy solutions. |
Meredith Adler
Student Energy
+1 604 3542930
This exhibit will provide recent publications
and information materials related to climate
change mitigation and adaptation. |
Akihisa Kuriyama
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
+81 46 8269605
CO2 capture and geological storage & bio-energy with CCS are critically important technologies for the decarbonisation of the global energy and industrial systems & for the attainment of the Paris Agreement's climate goals. This exhibit showcases these technologies, projects & policy developments. |
Mark Bonner
Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Ltd
+61 7 439343117
ATREE's 1st exhibit at the COPs will present rigorous interdisciplinary research and local community outreach on: behavioural economics for renewable energy, sociohydrological modelling in a data-sparse river basin, and climate change impact on ecosystems in Himalayas and Western Ghats. |
Ulka Kelkar
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)
+91 80 9448481599
GenderCC's exhibit highlights tools & approaches to gender-just climate policy at all levels, with particular focus on the "Gender into Urban Climate Change Iniative". It will feature interactive materials & information about the global GenderCC network. |
Gotelind Alber
GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice e.V. (GenderCC)
+49 30 21980088
The Klimalog project of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) promotes awareness for linkages between climate and development policy furthering a goal-oriented dialogue between actors in politics, academia, civil society and the private sector. |
Pieter Pauw
German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
+49 174 9610295
Reducing Carbon Footprint and building resilience to climate change impact:
Efforts of government, NGOs and private sector to reduce emissions and combat climate change effects will be demonstrated |
Samuel Confidence Dotse
HATOF Foundation
+233 50 6679055
Mary Jane Enchill
+233 2 246346698
The activities fields of the Foundation: Education for sustainable development, Coastal Protection, Sustainable tourism, Qualit’Air, Restoration of Historical Parks and Garden, Palm Grove and oasis. |
kenza khallafi
Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l'Environnement (FM6E)
+212 212 636640950
APWLD will display its work around climate change affecting marginalised women in Asia Pacific, which includes advocacy materials on development justice. |
Camille Risler
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
+66 53 284527
Soleil Santoalla
IBON International Foundation Inc. (IBON)
+63 2 9276981
ICLEIs support to Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy & link Paris Agreement to local & subnational action, with highlights in raising ambition via GreenClimateCities, accelerating implementation via Transformative Actions Programme & enhancing transparency by carbonn Climate Registry. |
Yunus Arikan
ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)
+49 1515 750004
Corporate Initiatives in Mitigation & Adaptation in India: The exhibit will showcase corporate initiatives on mitigation and adaptation in India. |
Poulami Choudhury
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
+91 110001 1123487541
Friends of the Earth International is a federation of 75 national member groups, working to transform the global energy system to just, people's renewable energy for all. Informative literature on impacted peoples, inspiring materials on our energy projects & mixed media to piece the story together. |
Lucy Cadena
Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)
+44 7580 270129
The IChemE Energy Centre - systems thinking solutions for the global energy economy
The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Energy Centre harnesses the chemical engineering skills and methods of its members to provide evidence-based information and expert advice on energy issues. |
Alexandra Howe
The Institution of Chemical Engineers
+44 1788 534407
CI will showcase its work in nature-based mitigation and adaptation around the world. CI imagines a healthy, prosperous world in which societies are committed to caring for and valuing nature, our global biodiversity, for the long-term benefit of all life on Earth. |
Maggie Comstock
Conservation International (CI)
+1 703 3412573
Nature Based Solutions to Climate Change |
Sandeep Sengupta
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
+41 22 9990105
Earth Day Network will promote climate education, public awareness and climate action by providing information and engaging COP participants in its campaigns including Earth Day, Trees for the Earth, Green Schools, National Civic Education Project and Women and the Green Economy. |
Susan Bass
Earth Day Network (EDN)
+1 202 5180044
IISD is an independent, non-profit organisation that provides practical solutions to sustainable development. We report on international negotiations through our Earth Negotiations Bulletin, conduct rigorous research, and engage stakeholders on the shared goal of addressing climate change. |
Melissa Harris
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
+1 647 9609167
Display of CIGI materials about the think tank's clean tech and climate engineering research. |
Oonagh Fitzgerald
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)
+1 519 8852444
Renewable energy, energy efficiency, green mobility, community power, local development, local acceptance, energy prices, energy access, energy democracy |
Jane Kruse
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (NFVE)
+45 97 956600